Effective Change Management: Ensuring Alignment of IT and Business Functions
This research was conducted by William A. Yarberry, Jr. the author identify change management as a core general control needed in information technology in order for the business operations to be supported in any enterprise. He further appreciate the fact that the mechanics through which effective change management can be implemented and monitored call for attention to detail, apart from the support from business unit management, users, and IT. Therefore, after researching on this issue, the author identifies two features of an effective change management. One of the features is how it works at the basic level. Consequently, at this level, it serves as control system for ensuring authorization, testing, documentation, and monitoring of infrastructure modifications, systems, and programs. The other feature is that an effective management project has challenging details even for proficient IT organization (Yarberry, 2007).
Working with risk by Morgan, Steve
In the second article of working with risk, the author highlights that risk-taking and risk itself constitute the key features of a healthy life. In such fields as sport, entertainment, and business, the risk takers are widely respected. The author further goes a head to describe what a best practice when it comes to risks and risk-taking are involved. Consequently, this best practice is mental health specific and is described as a decision whose basis is on the knowledge and understanding of the evidence of the research, knowledge and understanding of the individual social context and service user, the clinical judgment, and the experience of the service user.
Risk management by Dr. Waheed Akhter
Risk management on the other hand, is valued in Takaful and Islam since it is believed to provide ways of managing risks in business in accordance to Sheria principles. The purpose of this research therefore, is to bring out the various forms of risks encountered in Takaful business. These risks are found to affect the investment and operational functions of Takaful traders across the globe. Risk management therefore, guides the Takaful in managing the risks effectively. The research therefore, brings out the Islamic financial instruments like bi-lateral mutual adjustment and cooperate edging that aim to provide both parties with mutual gains through risk sharing. The framework for enhancing risk management operations among the Takaful operators is also provided by the research paper. Lastly, the challenges that come along with the enhancement of risk management operations among Takaful operators are discussed(Akhter, 2010).
Discovering process management by Sanders, Janine Larissa
In the research paper titled Discovering process management, the author begin by describing the way organizations value the adoption of process management practices that makes them to remain competitive. The values of process management and its influence on operational performance are publicized in the practitioner literature. Academic literature however, provides mixed reactions on this. Consequently, these mixed reactions call for further investigation. The objective of this dissertation is therefore, to study process management together with the contextual factors influencing the relationship of the process management with its performance.
It is obtained that process management constitute a key idea in operations management. A number of incomplete and different measures have been used by the first research in the effort of measuring the process management. Therefore, this research work has decided to examine and come up with more complete, alternate strategy for measuring process management. As a result, three distinct elements are identified in this research. These elements include process improvement, process control and process design (Sanders, 2008).
Akhter, W. (2010). Risk Management in Takāful. Enterprise Risk Management ISSN 1937-7916
2010, Vol. 1, No. 1: E8
Sanders, J.L. (2008). Discovering process management: One of the least understood concepts in
Operations Management. New York, NY: ProQuest LLC
Steve, M. (2007). Working with RISK Mental Health Today; Sep 2007; ProQuest Psychology
Journals pg. 36
Yarberry, W. (2007). Effective Change Management: Ensuring Alignment of IT and Business
Functions Yarberry, William A, JrInformation Security Journal; Mar/Apr 2007; 16, 2;
ABI/INFORM Global pg. 80