Response to "What is Literacy?"
As a linguistic, Gee saw the need for knowing the definition of certain English words that other linguistic had ever defined. Various theories have focused on sociolinguistic perspectives on literacy that the author never mentioned on his definition. On the other hand, the author explained the impact sociolinguistic theories have on literacy focusing on 3 critical perspectives. According to Gee, the word ‘disclosure’ is a counter term to literacy and is socially accepted. In addition, the author discusses the principal points made from the term disclosure that assists in understanding literacy (Gee 84). The subject is well covered because even if not all theories are used, the present ones have a significant impact to the understanding of the reader. However smart the theories presentation is, the author has not explained the connection between literacy practices and literacy events. The explanation shows readers how practices are inferred from events (Gee 85).
On the other hand, Gee connects literacy with the acquisition and learning of English language. This is a fact because a literate person must have either acquired or learned the process. The author’s explanation on the relationship between literacy and acquisition or learning is totally significant to the topic. In addition, the author sticks on his first point on Disclosure in every explanation and discussion made. Gee focused more on literacy in learning and forgets not all people get access to education. The author could have explained his arguments using the cognitive and psycholinguistic paradigms because they focus on literacy in all areas not only learning. However, the explanation fits the present world because most people undergo learning at young age using different methods (Gee 86). Moreover, the author’s explanations are on point because the topic was on literacy in relation to linguistic.
Work cited
Gee, J. P. “What is Literacy” From Negotiating Academic Literacies: Teaching and Learning
across Languages and Cultures. Taylor and Francis Group LLC.