Financial based forecasting are some of the major invasion in which, numerous things would be stride upon. Forecasting is basically a phenomenon through which the financial position and economic value added (EVA) would have been analyzed(Alice C. Lee, 2009). There are basically three companies, which have been taken into account for the purpose. The companies which have been selected for the same purpose are, AIMIA Canada, ADVANTEX Canada and iSIGN Media Canada. The forecasting would be done on the basis of Sales, Earnings per share, Dividend per share, P/E multiples and Share price.
Forecasting would have been done on the basis of 2 years,
Earnings per Share
The Earning per Share of AIMIA Canada is the highest as compared to other two companies operating in the same line of business. Forecasting in the 1st year would be 2.5%, while it would be 3.5% in the 2nd year. Average Analysis shows that AIMIACanada will do a better job as compared to other companies.
Dividend Per Share
Dividend Per Share is basically a method of analysis, through which it is analyzed that how much dividend the company is intending to distribute among their shareholders. High Dividend Distribution means that the company is doing a good job as far as facilitating its shareholders is concerned.
The companies which are active as far as facilitating their shareholders is concerned would be more worthwhile as compared to the companies which are not do such activity. From the above mentioned table and graph, it is found AIMIA Canada has the highest Dividend Per Share (DPS) as compared to other two companies in total, showing that this particular company is more worthwhile than other two companies.
P/E Multiples
P/E multiples is basically an investment ratio which analyze that how much the investors are expecting from the company.
Share Price
Share Price analyzes that how much the investors have to pay to buy the shares of the company.
The shares of AIMIA Canada have the highest value as compared to other two companies.
We have arrived at the estimates by analyzing the past percentage changes and applied the same on different provisions.
Alice C. Lee, J. C. (2009). Financial Analysis, Planning & Forecasting: Theory and Application. Chicago: World Scientific.
Aimia Inc.Financial Information (2012), [Online], retrieved from <>, Accessed on 2013-Nov-08th
ADVANTEX CO LTD. Financial Information (2012), [Online], retrieved from <>, Accessed on 2013-Nov-08th
iSign Media Solutions, Inc.Financial Information (2012), [Online], retrieved from <>, Accessed on 2013-Nov-08th