Ordinary people despise their weakness; they have a secret desire to be great. It is this desire that attracts them to great people. These are heroes of the past and great warriors. By idealizing them, the ordinary people fail to recognize the fact that these heroes are human too.
As it is with humans, error is imminent. There comes a time when heroes and great warriors fall short of the expectations of ordinary people. To an ordinary person, they find it near impossible to comprehend this. They feel betrayed. To them, it is the responsibility of their heroes to maintain the perfect life at all times.
They have an incessant need to have someone to admire. When heroes, leaders and warriors fall victim to their mortal weaknesses leaving those that idolize them disappointed, an important issue is raised. Maybe, individuals should not idolize these heroes. Like any of us, they are normal human beings who had the chance to accomplish something important, something great. They took this opportunity as a chance used it and made a difference.
People should consider the acts of these great heroes, use them as an example, and appreciate the long-term effects of these acts of greatness. The emphasis on the life of these heroes should be let go. Instead, individuals should use their acts of glory as motivation.
BBC. (2012). BBC. Retrieved from www.bbc.co.uk: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/bonaparte_napoleon.shtml
Berg, T. F. (2003). History as a Management Tool. Virginia: University of San Diego.
The White House Washington. (2012). The White House Washington. Retrieved from www.whitehouse.gov: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/abrahamlincoln