Stress denotes a feeling that should be handled and is more than the usual familiar feeling (Parker, 2009). Under stress condition, the body responds as if one is in danger. Stress makes hormones, which speedup the heart, make one breathe faster, as well as offer energy burst. It is referred the flight-or-fight stress response and is involuntary. Nonetheless, one can act to manage mange stress by altering the situation causing the stress. This is achieved by figuring out how to change things to eliminate the problem presenting in the future. It entails changing the manner of communicating as well as operating issues of daily life or workplace (Parker, 2009).
The above stress management strategies can be implemented in the workplace or within the life in general through expressing feelings, rather than, bottling them up. When being bothered by someone, communicate personal concerns within an open, as well as respectful manner. Without voicing feelings, resentment builds, and the condition will probably remain the same. The strategy may as well be implemented by willing to compromise. Willing to compromise offer a good opportunity of arriving a happy, agreeable ground. It is good to be assertive. The problem should be addressed head on. Managing time better reduces stress. This can be achieved by planning earlier as well as avoiding overextending.
The steps taken for implementing stress reduction strategies can entail keeping away from stressing situation, altering the situation, coping with the stressor, as well as acknowledging the situation are some steps, in summary, for reducing stress. These strategies help making one feel calm as well as remain in control. Without stress, it is easy to perform daily tasks with ease and achieve planned objectives.
Parker, H. (2009). Stress management. Chandni Chowk, Delhi: Global Media