Alluding to physiology - it is known and discussed by numerous scientists that the muscle strength mainly depends on the amplitude of contraction. Power potential of muscles relies on their length. If the muscle is stretched properly there is an assurance of gaining more power and force its growth. It appears that in order to enhance muscles strength contraction amplitude has to be continuously developed and paid attention to.
Muscle contraction peculiarly depends upon the efficacy of signal transferred from brain to muscle and the muscle ability to stretch depends on its elasticity. Everyday stretching will greatly affect muscles elasticity. Stretching is normally used as a mean of warming muscles up and it encourages person’s blood flow. As a result - muscles are being furnished with oxygen and nutrients. Such a combination helps them to keep going. (Williamson, 2010)
Flexibility shortage cannot be considered as a key factor for all muscle injuries that appear within a average motion range. However, a flexibility imbalance of specific athletic ramification might predispose to injury. (Thacker, Gilchrist, Stroup, and Kimsey 2004) It might be said that stretching is important to fulfill before and after athletic activity, as well as augment the injury possibility, if not moderated appropriately. However, almost all kinds of outside sports need wide movement amplitude. Here, stretching has its vital impact.
In addition, each stretching performance makes the next workout more productive. Implication will be seen right after couple of weeks: straightened posture, improved coordination; figure became more flexible and toned. The older one gets - the more important stretching and warming up become.
One of the most crucial things to notice is - if not to take care of muscles flexibility and do not develop it, with age, human body might lose most of the natural properties. To sum up and define the problem – we can say that there is no certain “truth” about stretching. Every single sportsman has to develop his own time frame and conditions for warming up and stretching muscles.
Taking into consideration the controversy and variety of opinions, we might state that stretching is strictly individual. What stretching aims for is injury prevention and better sport results. To show the example – we might refer to a research provided by American College of Sports Medicine. Researchers have shown that stretching is as effective as strengthening exercises or any medical interference. Former athletes with constant pain in back handled stretching for 12 months and reported for 94% pain reduction in problematic points. Such studies show the effectiveness of stretching and PIR (Post-Isometric Relaxation) in pain management programs. (Page, 2012)
Concluding the above stated – stretching has much more benefits that negative influence on all the athletes. Those who find it necessary and effective to spend five-to-ten minutes before and after practice - will be more likely to come prepared for the competition. Stretching does not only help sportsmen and warms the body up, but if regularly conducted – shows a positive impact on a human bodies overall health and stamina.
Reference page:
Thacker, S. B., Gilchrist J., Stroup D. F., and KIMSEY, C. D., (2004) The Impact of Stretching on Sports Injury Risk: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 371–378.
Page, F., (2012). Current Concepts in Muscle Stretching for Exercise and Rehabilitation, Int J Sports Phys Ther. February; 7(1): 109–119.
Williamson, J., (2010). Why Stretching Is Important, Health Guidance Journal