The triune God is basically a Christian doctrine in the trinity that teaches the unity and relationships between God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit as three different persons but under one God head. Taking in to consideration all the scriptures, orthodox Christian theology always affirms that the true God is triune in nature: three co-eternal and co-equal persons under one God head.
The trinity is an infinite and yet a distinct doctrine in the scriptures. According to Edward J. (2000), it is the deepest and highest among all divine mysteries. In Deuteronomy 6:4 the bible puts it clear that there is only one God. Amazingly, John 10:30 elaborates that the father and the son are one while Romans 8:9 demonstrate that the spirit and the son are one.
Yet, in demonstrating the unity and relationship amongst the members of the Trinity, the bible in no way rejects the simultaneous distinctiveness and existence of the three persons of the Godhead. In simple terms the bible clearly elaborates that there is only one God but in that God there is a trinity of persons.
The bible also describes the triune as three different persons: the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. It’s quite difficult to prove who the father is but looking at Jesus Christ he continuously refers to God as the father for example in Mathew 6: 9.The son is the representation of Gods glory and an exact radiance of his own being. John in chapter one begins his gospel by defining how the word was God and how it became flesh and dwelled among us. This includes the son in the trinity. The holy spirit has been faced with controversy to classify it as part of the trinity but in romans and Ephesians it has been referred to as holy spirit of God, spirit of God, spirit of God and spirit of Christ thus including it as part of trinity. All the three persons work together in unison for example when God said let’s create man in our image, this shows that he actually consulted the others before starting the creation of man.
Below is a diagram showing the interrelationship between the holy trinity.
God is often perceived as the Supreme Being. According to deism he is the creator of the universe. William Lane defines the doctrine of creation by saying that, God is the source of all reality apart from himself. In other words he brought everything into being. From my view of how the bible explains the chronology of events revolving around creation it’s quite evident that initially there was a supreme being that controlled life. From the book of genesis on how God created the universe, the flow of events and the characteristic planning of how things came to be shows there was someone who was in command. For example dry land was created before plants while plants were created before animals so that they can feed on the plants. This shows that there was a careful planning of events by a force somewhere. I strongly believe that God created man because in genesis he said that lets create man in our own image; the image of God was confirmed to us when Jesus Christ (who is God) came to earth, and he resembled a human being just like us. A scientific evolution theory tries to explain evolution but the fact that they don’t account for the origin of the material that evolved nullifies their theory.
Christian doctrine of creation is quite significant to the Christian faith because it helps us to acknowledge the sovereignty of God as a mighty creative power. It also helps us to understand that creation is the basis of all true knowledge. It also shows Gods unlimited power, wisdom and sovereignty.
In conclusion it is quite evident that despite the strong critics on the controversial nature of the bible regarding the trinity, the three persons in the trinity are one and the same, with equal mandate. It’s quite critical to note that understanding of the doctrine of creation is a very vital pillar in creation since it summarizes the ultimate power of God in creation and its significance.