1. What I found most interesting and useful in the article "Public Relations (PR): traditional media confronts social media" produced by Dan Schawbel is the relationship of types of communication and relevant methods. According to Schawbel (2007), "we must first look at what we are communicating and match it with the proper method" (qtd. in Personalbrandingblog.com). Considering that social media and traditional media press releases play a vital role in PR industry, this information will definitely help me improve my skills and competences as a PR practitioner, as it contributed to deeper understanding of differentiation between traditional and social media.
2. The article "8 PR Practices Website Launches to Help Visualize PR Hybrid Approach" published by Deirdre Breakenridge made a significant contribution to my understanding of new PR roles in the modern era. It also gave several insights into the process of digitalization of PR industry. The information from this article is likely to help[ me to become a better public relations practitioner as it made me realize the importance of keeping abreast with the times in PR industry and making effective use of the modern approaches in PR, such as social media communications and other relevant platforms.
3. The most fundamental thing that I learned from the article ""How to measure the PR value and business impact of social good" is the relationship of PR activities and enhancing company's image in terms of social responsibility, customer loyalty as well as employee attraction and engagement. Rebekah Iliff (2015), states that when planning particular PR activities, "the first thing you have to figure out is how to ensure that what you're doing is being done for the good of the company or brand" (qtd. in Mashable.com). In my opinion, knowledge that I gained from this article will help me plan PR efforts and develop PR activities more effectively in terms of brand-building.
4. The article "How Public Relations Is Earning Its Place in 2016" produced by Lindsay Stein considers the role of public relations not as an integral element of the marketing mix, but as independent component of the entire brand. Due to such emerging roles, PR agencies are gaining momentum and rising fortunes in terms of brand development. Such changes have also led to closer collaboration between PR agencies and companies, as many of them have to work cohesively to satisfy their client's need in the most effective manner. This article contributed not only to my general knowledge of PR industry, but also helped me understand current market trends, which are of fundamental importance for any PR professional.
5. I found the article "Finding Your Public Relations Niche" written by Clarissa Ford extremely useful in terms of choosing career path. A lot of students who are currently getting their degree in Public Relations are not sure what they are going to do once they graduate from the higher educational establishment. The author of this article explores different niches of PR field in terms of areas of interest and minors. the most fundamental idea of this article that alongside with major, minors allow for broader range of career opportunities for students. I consider that this article will definitely help me as a PR practitioner, as it made me realize the importance of multiple disciplines for my future career and how to make use of them.
Deirdre Breakenridge. "8 PR Practices Website Launches to Help Visualize PR Hybrid Approach." Deirdre Breakenridge, 14 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. <http://www.deirdrebreakenridge.com/8-pr-practices-website-launches-to-help-visualize-pr-hybrid-approach/>.
Ford, Clarissa. "Finding Your Public Relations Niche." Progressions. Progressions, 9 Jan. 2017. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. <http://progressions.prssa.org/index.php/2017/01/09/finding-your-public-relations-niche/>.
Iliff, Rebekah. "How to measure the PR value and business impact of social good." Mashable. Mashable, 21 May 2015. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. <http://mashable.com/2015/05/21/the-pr-value-of-social-good/#pbtVxj9NQmqU>.
Schawbel, Dan. "Public Relations (PR): traditional media confronts social media." Personal Branding Blog. Personal Branding Blog, 30 Sept. 2007. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. <http://www.personalbrandingblog.com/public-relations-pr-traditional-media-confronts-social-media/>.
Stein, Lindsay. "How Public Relations Is Earning Its Place in 2016." AdvertisingAge . Advertising Age News RSS, 11 Jan. 2016. Web. 24 Jan. 2017. <http://adage.com/article/cmo-strategy/public-relations-earning-place/302060/>.