There are various websites discussing the amount of Vitamin C that is enough, excess and too minimal for human consumption. Some websites give a specific amount of vitamin C to be consumed per gender, age and health status while others generalize. Some of these websites include,,,, among others. I found reliable and on the extreme. is a healthcare institution website. The website gives a link to the biography of the specialist giving information on the amount of vitamin to take. The biography link gives the visitors of the website confidence in the information give as the specialist is highly qualified. In addition, the website has a lot of links. This shows that has quite a number of people visiting. 22 people have commented on the website which is a good number as that will translate to a reasonable conversion rate. The website cites research papers that have been referred to in development of the article. The website is owned by a medical and health institution and has been running for the last fifteen years hence its credibility.
On the other hand, feels for me as an extreme. The name is one those that tend to give solutions that are a quick fix that in most cases end up being disastrous. The information on the web was posted in 2009 and has not been updated. The references given on the page are from the writer’s other links only. The writer in this article goes ahead to say that one can mega dose on vitamins as it works the body’s advantage which I tend to disagree with. Vitamins are not storable in the body and hence the excess is eliminated hence not serving the body.
In website characterization, it is important to look at the credibility of the information given, the sites conversion rate and the number of links that the site contains.