Vocal music is the form of music performed one or more singers. This genre of music may be performed with or without the use of instruments as accompaniments. Vocal music is principally formed of sung words known as lyrics (Apel, 1969). However, there are some forms of vocal music that are presented as sounds, noises and non-linguistic syllables. A song refers to a short portion of vocal music that is made of lyrics. Vocal music may be referred to as the oldest form of music since it does not depend on instruments. It mainly depends on the human voice, which is the element that people use most in the definition for music. This was the most common element in the olden days since people could not access instruments since it was hard to make them.
Vocal music is recorded under deep history of 900 A.D. during this period vocal music was not yet written. People believed in singing person to person. This form of music was mainly used for transmitting critical information concerning culture and history of the singing group or individual. Middle Ages are extremely significant in the development of the vocal music. This is because it is in this epoch that vocal music experienced the evolution into modern form of music. People had began absorbing the significance of music in their livelihood (Ferris, 2008). Most people had opted music as the easiest way to deliver their views on certain issues in the society with proper understanding and equity.
During the Middle Ages, the most common class of vocal music was chant singing. This form of singing was tied with some religious beliefs and practices depending on the theme of the music. Most of the songs that were presented as vocal music during the middle Age were monophonic, that contained a single line that had no harmony. Most of the chants were presented in the form of religious setup. Based on the type of the environment a musician was presenting his songs the mood of the music was set. For example, secular environments, wandering musicians for hire, and troubadours were ordained to monophonic songs. Most of the existing troubadour music of the Middle Age exists from Germany and France.
The beginning of the 14th century marked the European Renaissance, which saw the western vocal music transform from monotone form of chant that increasingly affected song harmonies and structures. Some of the most popular secular song during this era was the Madrigals. This was marked as the start for both amateurs and troubadours (Ferris, 2008). It is during this era that singing through instruments became prominent among vocal musicians.
The baroque period defines the uniqueness of this form of music. This era of music follows the renaissance and classical musical period. During this musical development era, there was a definition of tonality. It is during the period that composers and performers of vocal music realized the significance of musical ornamentation, musical notation, as well as developing instruments that would be of massive assistance in ensuring development of vocal music (Apel, 1969).
As harmonies and musical bodies experienced the evolution in countries within the European influence so did the forms of songs. Vocal music was introduced into theaters as the opera, which is a form of musical play. There were composers who even composed songs which were to be acted in the concert hall. The European contemporary music has played a critical role in the influence of the music setup to the rest of the world, with the United States allowing this form of music to gain contemporary roots (Grout, 1960).
Based on the culture of different countries, the vocal music has been taking different forms. This has countered the European tradition as the main definition for vocal music. This form of music has developed through oral tradition contrary to the written form.
There are several factors that may have contributed to the alterations that have been experienced in development of vocal music. Development may not be based on one element or individual alone (Menuhin, 1979). It contains a set of factors that may have introduced how the music class has changes.
One of the main factors that may have been extremely crucial in the definition of the change that the vocal music industry has been experiencing is the taste and beliefs of an artist. The individuals make a choice on the best form of music and how messages may be delivered through the creativity. The singer clearly understands his or her target group. Therefore, he or she must define a strategy that would assist the individual win more people as well as retain the current base of customers (Stolba, 1990). Musicians may be innovative enough to influence how the form of music behaves in the society despite defiling societal norms on the music.
Music is an extremely influential element in the world. It plays critical roles in defining situations and activities in a region within which it is set. It is through the element that various element in the society are defined. Based on the form of music, different forms of music have variant significance in the society. Vocal music may be defined as the founding ground for music in the world. It defines several elements in the society as well as giving the true definition of music in the society (Stolba, 1990).
One of the roles that vocal music plays in the society is the establishment of uniqueness in the definition of music. This means that this form of music defines how people perceive issues in the society. Vocal music allows use of lyrics which signifies the criticality of using words in the definition of certain stands. Through vocal music, it is extremely easy to define the culture of a given region based on the type of message that is contained in the lyrics. Words are usually useful in defining certain issues (Grove, 1980). Most societies have people living in the same region defined by equal beliefs and social behaviors. These are definitions that may be easily observed from the type of music and the messages countered in the written lyrics or the music. Although, people interact in the society from different regions or countries the influence of one’s culture may be paramount. This means that even after interacting massively on issues based on music especially in this critical definition of vocal music societies still maintain their cultures. This is an assurance that culture is the most critical definition of a society. The cultural identity means that societies may be able to define their positions by remaining attached to their beliefs and social setups (Menuhin, 1979). Therefore, vocal music has extremely critical role of defining the culture that is to be maintained in specific societies.
Like any other form of music, vocal music is a form of entertainment. Different forms of music are developed with unique purposes. Entertainment is one of the main purposes for vocal music. This music may be presented in different forms it may be in the form of a poem which may be extremely influential on how individuals view music. Like poems, vocal music does not involve instruments. Therefore, it remains soft music, which may source of joy for most of the people who like soft music. On the other hand, some people prefer hard music, which needs e played by instruments (Machlis, 1970). This may also be a platform for entertainment to some people. Some people believe that music may be defined as music following the existence and respect for instruments used in the music. Therefore, most people would favor vocal music where instruments are used. It is evident that with time vocal music has gotten to respect instruments. The main reason for this is upon realization that artists do not connect to the rest of the society in terms of entertainment through singing non-instrumental songs. The use of instruments has seized from being optional to core requisite. The main motivation for this is that most music fans have identified with instruments in music leading to the definition that music cannot be listened to without the sense of entertainment which may only be defined through the use instruments (Machlis, 1970). Therefore, the core role of music in any environment as a source of entertainment cannot be ignored.
Music is an extremely crucial research element. Through music different messages are delivered on certain topics. Therefore, this tool is extremely significant in the aim of delivering messages. Therefore, vocal music is an element for education. This means that vocal music is developed upon intensive creativity and purpose while delivering given messages. This would be extremely significant in defining vocal music as an agent for education delivery. Vocal music being an element for education, it would be extremely significant in the delivery for research and verification of certain research findings (Grout, 1960).
Vocal music is an extremely significant element in the religious filed. This means that the element would be certainly fundamental in ensuring religious hiccups are covered. The religion field has identified vocal music as a strategy to reach most people in the society. They find it as the easiest and trustworthy means to deliver religious message to the rest of the society (Grove, 1980). This may play an extremely useful role in defining how certain religious bodies relay their messages. The introduction of vocal music through the use of instruments defines reliability of the form of music as well as the message in the song.
Depending on the culture in which the music has been developed, vocal music aids in defining seasons. Music is an extremely crucial element in the definition for times. Vocal music was in use when there were no scientifically proven methods of counting days. Therefore, people used music to define certain moments. This means that the music contained specific message that would have served a purpose for a particular day or period. They involved extremely clear words, which would have been extremely crucial in defining certain moments. Therefore, vocal music would serve in validating this significant purpose of vocal music. Use of certain instruments may represent certain seasons within the calendar of a given country or region.
Vocal music is a social tool which has undergone several transitions from middle age to the modern world. The changes in the society have been the main agents of change in the music industry with the vocal music being one of the mainly affected forms of music. Cultural values are the main agents to the changes that have been experienced in the vocal industry. There are a range of significances that are inclined to the use of vocal music. Most of the purposes are similar to the general uses of music.
Work Cited
Apel, Willi. Harvard dictionary of music. 2d ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1969. Print.
Ferris, Jean. Music: the art of listening. 7th ed. New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Print.
Grout, Donald Jay. A history of Western music. [1st ed. New York: Norton, 1960. Print.
Grove, George, and Stanley Sadie. The New Grove dictionary of music and musicians. London: Macmillan Publishers ; , 1980. Print.
Machlis, Joseph. The enjoyment of music; an introduction to perceptive listening.. 3d ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 1970. Print.
Menuhin, Yehudi, and Curtis W. Davis. The music of man. Toronto: Methuen, 1979. Print.
Stolba, K Marie. The development of western music: a history. Dubuque, IA: W.C. Brown, 1990. Print.