Great Lakes is one of the water systems that supply water in Illinois. This water system supplies quality water to various areas in the state. It serves a population of 28150 and the water source type is surface water (United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2012). Great Lakes water system makes use of effective water treatment services in order to ensure that it supplies clean water to the people. Some of the water treatment services used in Great Lakes water system in Illinois is Johnson Water Conditioning, World Water Works and Aqua Soft Water Conditioning among others (United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2012). Therefore, Great Lakes provide quality water to a large group of people in Illinois.
Great Lakes water system uses groundwater, which is economically essential because it is a renewable resource. This water system supplies billion gallons of groundwater in order to meet the needs of drinking water, agriculture, power generation and industry water. The supply of groundwater is achieved through the use of aquifers. However, these aquifers are neither evenly distributed nor all the same in the physical and compound properties from one area to another (United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2012). In this connection, they should be evaluated properly in order to know their ability to serve the people of Illinois. This evaluation can be achieved through various turf geologic and hydrologic explorations.
Groundwater is developed through three principle aquifer types. These are sand, gravel and geologic materials, which overlies the bedrock. Groundwater availability in Illinois is higher towards the main river valleys and the northern side of Illinois, which has one or more main aquifers (United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2012). The groundwater source is recharged through direct precipitation on the intake areas. In this connection, Great Lakes System ensures a constant supply of quality water in Illinois.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. Local Drinking Water Information. 2012. Web.
Retrieved on 26th April 2012 from