In this effect, it is obvious that technology plays a very crucial and pivotal role in the way various transactions are conducted. Hence in the context of the ethical view, brings into the lime light how the ethics play a crucial role in the way that the individuals does communicate to one another. In this overview ethics is the branch of philosophy that effectively deals with what is right and wrong in human affairs. In the context of honest overview, communication is highly enhanced in the context that helps in the observing the moral ethics.
In this essence, Ethics plays a responsibility in the progression of change and innovation in stipulations of the effective need for unwrap and honest communication in the midst of employers and employees, and actually flanked by the various companies and other institutions and the general public domain. In this overview, Communication needs to be transparent throughout the process of the issue communicated. This illustrates that ethics helps in the communication process of the various scenarios and effectively bring home the relevant messages to the required audience.
In the context of communication, ethics continues to illustrate how communication plays a crucial role in the critical thinking process. This is because ethics are morals themselves. In this essence a morally upright individual holds up the ethics even in the context that there is no one particularly watching over them. In this essence since ethics influence the communication process, it actually affects the way an individual masters and present the thought one has over the specified subject depending on what one believes. Hence in that context, personal ethics actually influences the way an individual does communicate over a specified topic.
In the context of Aristotle’s Mean, the doctrine of mean focuses to bring the ethical rational issues that brings in context the diverse dispositions. First it brings the ethical value as disposition. Aristotle says that the intrinsic worth is no dissimilar from technological skills: each trained employee knows how to keep away from surfeit and insufficiency, hence this is in a circumstance transitional amid two extremes.
Also Aristotle brings in the ethical theory as in the context that it does not actually offer a relevant decision procedure. In this essence he brings in the context that, ethical virtue is actually a condition that in which it is intermediate between two states. In this context he, draws the dialogues between virtues and crafts. In this essence he brings the context under which a virtue is a kind of knowledge and effective characterization.
And lastly on the doctrine, he specifies that The Starting Point for realistic Reasoning depends on the rational thoughts reflected on the ethical morals accepted in the society. This means that the decisions of a wise person are not mere intuitions, but rather can get justified by a relevant chain of reasoning. Therefore, neither notional reasoning nor good realistic reckoning moves in a circle. Therefore, true thinking constantly presupposes and progresses in linear style from appropriate preliminary points.
Confucius's Golden Mean seeks to highlight the various trends in the context that brings the concept of ethics in which he states that an individual should do unto others in ones moral capacity that they would also want to be done for them. In this essence it highlights the concept that one gets the peace of mind in the way under which an individual does to others what considers justice. In that essence he states that “To expect punishment is to suffer it; and to earn it is to expect it”.
Islam's Divine Commands illustrates the ethical view in which the various religious views in the modern world are considered. In this context, it was normally alleged that moral truth was united in a straight line to divine commands, and religious faithfulness was more or less comparable to morality. In this overview it illustrates that GOD is the creator of all moral truths. In this ethical view it illustrates that when one is morally upright, he is following God’s commands. This further goes ahead to illustrate that God’s commands establishes morality in the general world.
In the above models discussed, the Aristotle’s view is easiest for the majority of people to follow. In this context it clearly highlights the various concepts models involved in the thinking processes to make rational decisions. This is because in his view, he illustrates ethics in the context that, inquiry as an attempt to clearly illustrate what ultimate aim is in the process of achieving rational thoughts.
In this context, it ultimately leads to many people to morally make sound decisions. This is because the individuals only achieve and stick to what they have rationally thought about. In the same essence the people will be capable of making and handling tough moral dilemmas. This means that an individual stick to one decision in which seems correct to someone. In the perception of making rational decisions, an individual will be in the best position to actively stick to the moral decisions.
Adams, Robert Merrihew (2002). Finite and Infinite Goods: A Framework for Ethics.
Broadie, Sarah. (1991), Ethics with Aristotle.
Lin Yutang, (1938), Confucius, The Wisdom of Confucius.