The changing values, ideas, and conditions have led to the evolution of ethical codes. Professional codes of ethics must rest upon the broadly shared values and ought to be updated periodically. A code of ethics offers guidance during difficult situations. Museums codes of ethics serve museums interests, their constituencies, and the society at large. The codes of ethics essentially assist the museum professionals in resolving both management and operational problems that they experience on a daily basis. Therefore, codes of museum ethics ought to represent as well as articulate standards of behavior and consensual values that are established to describe the relationship of trust between the museums and communities they serve.
The codes of ethics in a museum are recognized as the framework of institutional and personal obligations as well as standards that govern the behavior of all the museum community members at all times. What’s more, the museums acknowledge the ethical implications of international issues such as freedom, security, peace, and the pressing necessity to conserve the environment. A museum requires all the professionals to put into practice the codes of ethics when resolving the day to day management and operational problems. Museums have their formal code of institutional ethics as they set high standards for professional conduct. The formal code of institutional ethics helps museums develop and implement collections policy to guarantee proper standards of care and security for all the items that are handed over to them either on loan or permanently. In addition, the museums apply code of institutional ethics in procuring and disposing of live animals.
The codes of ethics help in reinforcing professionalism among the museum staff. The codes of ethics help in creating equitable working relationships among the employees. In particular, the museum employees are required to be courteous and should offer professional assistance and service to the public members. In addition, these employees should be loyal to the institutional policies and work together in a professional manner. The museum employees should also respect and cooperate with one another. The improvement in practice within the museums should be done. Therefore, the implementation of standards of practice and codes of ethics should change to ensure that there is practice improvement within the museums. In my opinion, the standards of practice and codes of ethics ought to be implemented effectively within the museums to improve the practice.
The museums of Mississauga policy adheres to the CMA Ethical guidelines in a number of ways. The Museum Collection Guidelines and Museums Collection Policy ensure that Mississauga’s museums continue meeting the professional standard of care. In addition, as required by CMA, the museum of Mississauga employees should adhere to the necessary code of ethics. For instance, the employees should avoid collecting items, which conflict the Corporate Policy and Procedure or the Museums’ collecting mission. In addition, the Mississauga policy requires the museums to acquire objects in accordance with the CMA Ethical Guidelines for Museums. For instance, Mississauga museums should not acquire illicit items or materials. In addition, the Mississauga policy requires the museums not to collect objects with the intention to de-accession, sell, or trade. What’s more, the policy requires the museums to acquire the materials through purchase, loan, or donation as just the CMA Ethical Guidelines for Museums demands. Conclusively, the museums codes of ethics should be updated periodically due to the changing ideas, values, and conditions within the tourism industry.