(a) Identify the top 2 most significant computer security threats that are impacting the world at the present time. (b) What steps are being taken to minimize or thwart these threats? (c) Will the efforts proposed to protect individuals, companies and the governments from these threats still protect the rights of citizens? (d) Do you think that the steps taken or to be taken are ethical and will not cause a backlash in society? Please elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer)
The top 2 most significant computer threats that are impacting the world at present are: Hacking and Viruses. Hackers are difficult to deal with. Where other computer users cannot find a through way and totally quit, hackers maneuver their way via barriers or device methods to bypass these barriers (Tony, 2015). Since the hacking of Sony systems in 2014, the number of hackers has been increasing steadily in the past two years. The most common types of hackers in today’s world are the extortion hackers (Thor, 2014). These hackers gain unauthorized access to an individual’s or an organization’s system and threaten to release some damaging customer or company data if his/her demands are not met. Viruses are computer programs that destroy or modify files in the victim’s computer.
The government, corporates and individuals have embarked on a concerted effort to thwart the threat posed by hackers and computer viruses. For example for a long time the government has been spying on internet users to establish their intentions. To thwart the threat of viruses, several antivirus programs have been developed and deployed by various companies (Thor, 2014). Antivirus software scan the computer for threats and neutralizes them. Moreover, organizations should ensure that they have robust information security knowledge and awareness systems in place.
Some of the steps proposed to protect individuals, companies and the government from these threats violate the rights of the citizens. For instance, the government spying activities in the past were majorly undercover (Vernon, 2014). However, a number of disclosures over the recent past have exposed the details of the covert activities to the public. In countries like China and North Korea, state-backed espionage is official and the citizens can do nothing. This unauthorized access violates the fundamental rights of citizens.
No, some of the steps taken are illegal and is likely to cause a backlash in the society. The citizens would not be comfortable with the fact that the government is spying on them and accessing their personal information. As details of some NSA spying programs are made public, many organizations are also expected to suffer serious dents on their reputation. Example is the shutdown of file-sharing site called Megaupload which unearthed several unethical activities including copyright violation.
a) From the introduction of computers for the general public up to the present time, how have computers changed society in general and specifically what impact has this had on individuals, organizations and businesses? (b) Has this change been all positive? (c) You may not be able to accurately predict the future, but will new developments in the use of computers be beneficial to society in general and individuals in particular? Will people rely too much on computers in the future so that they will not be able to function without them? Try to be as concise as possible in your answer and do not address the issue of security threats in this question. Please elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer)
A computer is the most resourceful invention ever to be created by human beings. Since its discovery, computers have totally transformed the society in which we live in. Things that were initially done manually can now be accomplished within milliseconds at the click of a button. Computers have completely transformed the manner in which people operate and interact in the society. As opposed to the pre-computer period where communication was done through face-to-face or through the telephone, nowadays people can communicate instantly thanks to the introduction of the internet (Bhosale & Mitharam, 2013). Moreover, technological advancements such as emails have eliminated the traditional letters and bills. Nowadays, bills, payments and letters can be sent electronically at the comfort of one’s desk Orders can also be made online and goods delivered safely without the necessity to travel physically to a store.
The introduction of personal computers has continued to impact businesses in a positive manner. To begin with, computers have revolutionized several business processes that were initially conducted manually. With computers, businesses can process and store large pieces of information that were initially stored in manual files. Introduction of the internet has increased the productivity of the organization as communication tools such as email, instant messaging etc have simplified. Additionally, computers have created several new investment opportunities for businesses. To the individual, computers have simplified how certain things are done. Activities that were initially conducted manually by the individuals have been automated (Bhosale & Mitharam, 2013). Computers have also led to knowledge expansion of the individuals through swamps of information that are easily accessible. In organizations, computers are applied in several sectors. Some of the benefits that organizations draw from computers include: faster information retrieval, increased productivity, increased accuracy etc. organizations use computers to conduct online order management, manufacturing and resource planning, management information systems, decision making, artificial intelligence etc.
No, the change has been both positive and negative. Despite its countless benefits, computers also have negative effects in the society such as the deskilling of workers and robbing people of their jobs. For instance with the introduction of computers workloads have reduced tremendously thereby forcing organizations to lay of some of the workers who have been rendered redundant.
Yes, with computers new applications are expected to be developed into the future. These applications will solve several problems that are currently experienced in the society. Both the society and individuals will still continue reaping the benefits of computers into the foreseeable future. Overreliance on computers to perform tasks is also expected to continue in the future (Bhosale & Mitharam, 2013). Computers will be used to do virtually everything and individuals will not be able to function without them. This is already happening in the manufacturing industry where robots and conveyor belts have taken over the jobs that were initially done by humans demoting humans to mere button pushers.
The field of computer science has changed in your lifetime and will continue to change in the future. When the Computer Science department at this University was created in 1974 students were using keypunch cards to run programs on the main frame. There was no PC, no cell phone, no phone aps, no internet, no Facebook, no Twitter, no Google, no Microsoft, etc. The field of computer science has changed dramatically from then till now. Over your entire life the changes could be as dramatic as it has been since the CS Department was created. (a) How important is it to you to keep up to date with the coming changes in hardware, software and ethical issues? (b) What specific steps will you in engage in to make sure that you are up to date as a computer professional? Please elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer)
The rate of technological advancements has been changing at a faster pace over the last few years. Technologies that were initially used have become obsolete in the current world. Technology is unavoidable; it affects every facet of our lives from work, play etc, and has initiated a revolution that will continue to exist for as long as humans continue to advance in the capabilities. To begin with, keeping up with technology is important if one wants to remain relevant. The internet currently has over 3 billion active users, organizations who do not embrace online presence risk closing their shops (Rigby, 2013). Keeping up with technology also helps individuals and organizations to understand the extent of their customer’s technological expertise and keep abreast with them. If a customer is unable to find an organization’s products online due to technological inadequacies then that business is destined for failure (Rigby, 2013). Technology has helped us streamline most of our processes and automate processes that were manual in the past. Individuals who do not embrace technology in their processes stands very little chances of competing with those who have embraced technology.
As a computer professional, keeping up with technological advancements is paramount. To keep up with technology, one can embrace the internet technology by creating and using social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, etc (Lowe, 2008). Also, upgrade to the latest machine and gadgets and regularly update them. Also ensure that you migrate to the lasts computer operating systems as the old ones get phased out.
Bhosale, D., & Mitharam, M. (June 2013).Impact of Computer on Organization. International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology. https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/getFile/1723.
Lowe, Scott. (April 30, 2008). Keeping Up With Technological Changes. How do you do it? TechRepublic. Retrieved from http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/tech-decision- maker/keeping-up-with-technology-changes-how-do-you-do-it/.
Rigby, Rhymer. (May 26, 2013). How to Keep Up with Technology. Financial Times. Retrieved from http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/c68c0062-c3c0-11e2-aa5b- 00144feab7de.html#axzz44jichdKe.
Tony, Bradley. (Jan 14, 2015). Experts pick the top 5 security threats for 2015. PC world. Retrieved from http://www.pcworld.com/article/2867566/experts-pick-the-top-5-security-threats- for-2015.html.
Thor, Olavsrud. (April 21, 2014). 10 Top Information Security Threats for the Next Two Years. CIO. Retrieved from http://www.cio.com/article/2368648/security0/149359-10- TopInformation-Security-Threats-for-the-Next-Two-Years.html#slide4.
Vernon, Mark. (2014). Top Five Threats. Computer Weekly. Retrieved from http://www.computerweekly.com/feature/Top-five-threats