TTIP or Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership is an agreement that is negotiated between the European Union and the United States of America. It is an agreement that is being portrayed as a beneficial and valuable treaty for the people's benefit, but everything is not as clean and clear as it is portrayed (, 2016). There have been widespread oppositions to the agreement, and it is feared that this agreement could cost a lot of jobs in the UK and other regions of Europe. In the 14th round of TTIP negotiations that took place in Brussels on 11th-15th July 2016, stakeholder presentations and briefings were done, and views were exchanged. At the conclusion of the negotiations, it was revealed by the Chief Negotiator Ignacio García that TTIP would have 30 chapters each covering different aspects and negotiations (, 2016; Irish Farmers' Association, 2016). In a speech at DG, Trade Commissioner suggests TTIP as an opportunity for the people of US, echoing a negative sentiment that finds a place in many anti-supporters of TTIP across Europe. Although he finds the partnership beneficial for both Europe and the US, many anti-supporters do not find this partnership to be as beneficial for Europe. Many benefits have also been highlighted to the European Parliamentarian Committees as well that show the partnership as a highly beneficial option for Europeans (Malmström, 2016;, 2016).
BEUC is the Brussels Umbrella group that actively investigates the policies and decisions of EU (European Union) and its impact on the consumers and general citizens. BEUC focusses mainly on Food, Financial Services, Consumer Rights & Enforcement, Digital Rights and Sustainability. BEUC has grown in strength over a period and now consists of large organizations and influential members from across 21 European countries. BEUC also works at a global level to ensure the protection and representation of consumer rights at an international scale (, 2016).
Priorities and Achievements
The work done so far by BEUC has many achievements including the latest one of ongoing successful negotiations of TTIP of creating multiple chapters and focusing on the objectives of a competitive Europe that boosts innovation and helps create jobs and growth. FoodDrinkEurope is the Council and a group of Europe’s food and drink manufacturers. This group aims at setting the right priorities for managing and channeling the TTIP discussion and negotiations. The priorities described are aimed towards industrial policies, trade, biofuels, public health, food and food innovation, climate change, sustainability and waste management. The list of items is prioritized as they impact the living conditions of the area and also health and safety security of future generations (Europe, 2016). The TTIP influences both the European Union and the United States (U.S.) for their global economic position and impacts the agricultural issues of Europe. Impacts of the agreement are expected to be over the trade of food, meat, and vegetables (Ribera et al., 2016).
Our Lobby Work
We have been doing our lobby work and have attended to various conferences, events and visited important places relevant to TTIP. On 11th of July 2016, we went to one of the IFA offices at Brussels that are concerned about TTIP and Irish farm production. On 12th of July 2016, we went to the European Parliament, then visited the Environment, Public Health, and Food Safety Committee as part of our work to lobby with knowledgeable and influential people associated with TTIP and BEUC. On the same day i.e. July 12th we researched about the industry view on TTIP, Food processing, and food safety issues. On July 13th, 2016, we went to the Institute of European Law at K.U. Leuven. The visit at Law Institute gave us an overview of the EU institutions. Then finally on the 14th July 2016, we visited the Irish Permanent Representation and the Council of the EU (European Union) that plays an important role in the decision-making processes of EU. On the last day, we discussed the vaccines and pesticides, organic and environmental methods of agriculture and methods of milk and beef production that are slated to be impacted. Ireland and Australia are the top producers of milk and beef in completely organic ways without a use of hormones. Currently, only three countries can export eggs to the US. We discussed the TTIP impact over Sheep exports from the US. It is noted that how European parliament would take votes and amendments to the SBC chapter for ensuring food safety and consumer protection.
Lobby and Transparency
A common initiative against TTIP and CETA (Canada and Europe Trade Agreement) is aimed at ensuring transparency over the complete transactions and the discussions. Lobbying is being done, and influencing people are coming up to remove the secrecy behind these partnerships to ensure maximum benefit for the common people. The major focus has been on protecting people and the environment, with an aim towards sustainable food and agriculture and transparency in all decisions and actions (Stop TTIP., 2016).
Contact with Countries not under EU Umbrella
There several countries outside of the EU umbrella that are supporting the cause that is running against TTIP and CETA. There is a global partnership even from outside of EU when it comes to fighting for people’s right. Canada is also shaping up as a major ally for EU to deal with the TTIP issues and conditions. (War On Want., 2015; the Guardian, 2016).
References (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jul. 2016].
Europe, F. (2016). FoodDrinkEurope. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jul. 2016]. (2016). Highlights | Home | ENVI | Committees | European Parliament. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jul. 2016]. (2016). Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - Trade - European Commission. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jul. 2016].
Irish Farmers' Association. (2016). Irish Farmers' Association. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jul. 2016].
Malmström, C. (2016). TTIP: The finish line and how to get there. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jul. 2016].
Ribera, L. A., Paggi, M. S., Anderson, D. P., Palma, M. A., & Knutson, R. D. (2016). Potential Impacts of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) on the Fresh Vegetable and Beef Trade. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 28(2), 177-190.
Stop TTIP. (2016). European Initiative against TTIP and CETA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jul. 2016].
the Guardian. (2016). TTIP. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jul. 2016]. (2016). Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP). [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jul. 2016].
War On Want. (2015). What is TTIP?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jul. 2016].