The company laws and policies stipulate the employees benefit in regards to the services and goods offered. The laws and policies are set in place to safeguard the well fare of the workforce within an organization. It facilitates the creative of a conducive working environment and productive employee- employer relationship. In addition, it serves as a platform where the employee makes inquiring of the right and duties. The employees get an avenue to express or exercise the opinion to their employers and colleague. It is critical to be aware or understand employee’s benefits and take full advantage of them. During job evaluation process, most employees discover that they were entitled to some company benefits as employees.
In the wall street journal article Eleanor Blayney, (2015) it outlines the employees mistakes in regards to the employee benefits at the place of work. According to the article, young employees fail enroll in retirements plans due to the current economic challenges. The economic problem deters the employee from the program because they perceive themselves to be lacking adequate resource or funds.
Recent research shows that the people that sign up for a pretax are failing to utilize the contributed amount. They have created room for a small percentage of people to take advantage of the chance or amount of cash added. According to EBRI conducted an analysis that outline that a large percentage of the leakage form set for the contributions plans is caused by the workers concentration on getting their balance rather than rolling the same over after changing their jobs. In relation to the class, the author gives the benefits of employees, the best benefits of the company policy and law. The article highlight that most of the employees’ mistakes for not enrolling in a retirement benefits plan is attributed to the fact that their resources are the limit to the real time situation. It implies that lack of adequate source adversely affects the employees.
Employees fail to get full benefits pertaining to health care plans from the place of work. Most of the employees contribute to the health savings account. They do not put the maximum allowable in the account. Considering the amount saved here is tax-free either when saving or when getting back the money. Blayney focuses on the mistakes done by employees. They take full advantages of their employer’s health plans. They also make any other benefits of the organization without realizing that there may be the surcharge for the benefit. Sometimes the interest might not be good for you as the employee. That is the reason as the employee you have to check and scrutinize all the company benefits. The employees should buy the charges that best fits them rather than registering for the benefits that will never help in the end. It might be good to buy additional life insurance out and which is portable than relying on the employer's benefits alone.
The topic of employees benefit, and job evaluation is necessary because it helps employees and employers to avoid making mistakes. It also helps to avoid taking advantages over one another. Some of the mistakes made can be painful in the future when they are noticed. When it comes to employees benefits, there are so many benefits those employees need to consider and put into the account. Some of the benefits are worth taking them, but others may not be worth taking. That is the reason the topic is crucial in helping the employees to understand the benefits and be in a better position for decision-making. It is advisable to ask even the human resources department if there is professional advice available to workers about the employee benefits.
Works Cited
"Personal Finance." Personal Finance RSS. Web. 26 Apr. 2015.