Evaluating Strategies - EasySolution
In the current unstable business environment, managers are realizing how risky the most valuable investments often are. This is why it is advisable for managers or investors to evaluate various investment options. However, many current financial assessment techniques do not succeed in identifying what investors can do to capitalize on future uncertain investments (Jose, 2008: p. 830). Thus, a critical question before making a decision is to evaluate the sustainability of the investment option.
Based on the SAFE framework which uses indicators of environmental integrity, economic efficiency and social welfare as inputs as well as fussy reasoning, I would like to participate in the third and largest round of Easy solution investment ( Pertsova, 2007, p. 57). By investing in third and largest round, I will be in a position to receive just under 10 percent of the equity, which indicate I will realize higher returns from the project. Evaluation of these indicators of the Easysolution will not only evaluate the current situation but also predict strategic decision for the future of the product. These are significant indicators contributing to sustainable development of the Easy solution product.
The third round has higher benefits because the development company DC Allen uses a feasibility study to develop the best method of creating a whole system which shows it has the future in the market (Johnson, Scholes & Whittington, 2010, p. 393). Meanwhile, the product has the sustainability because the development company has the easiest ways to get around core patents and can support pre sales efforts. The third round can define and measure sustainable development of the Easy solution because it is large and has no effect toward the development process. The SAFE framework provides flexibility in the choice of these indicators and since the
third round is the largest the indicators can be changed if necessary (Yannis, 2004, p.124). This will help to capture the rapid changes in the social-economical environments.
Reference Lists
Johnson, G., Scholes, K., & Whittington, R 2010, Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text And Cases (9th ed.). Harlow: FT Prentice Hall.
Jose, M 2008, “Evaluating Sustainability In Organizations With A Fuzzy Logic Approach.” Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 108 Issue 6, p829-841.
Pertsova, C 2007, Ecological Economics Research Trends. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Yannis, P 2004, “Evaluating Strategies For Sustainable Development: Fuzzy Logic Reasoning and Sensitivity Analysis.’ Ecological Economics, Vol. 48 Issue 2, p124- p149.