Modern digital technology stepped forward so that on such opportunities, our ancestors could only write fiction stories. Although we often think things everyday and commonplace, but is the result of long and persistent research and experimentation.
3D printer is an apparatus which creates images in three dimensions by passing them in layers using a digital three-dimensional model. The basis for the creation of the figure is several types of plastic, but now manufacturers are beginning to add new components for even more realistic image transfer. Externally home 3d printer looks like a normal printer, in which are embedded metal rails, extruder or a laser performs recording. The first ideas for the three-dimensional printing began to appear as early as the 80s. It was at that time was created stereolithography, which created objects using a special photopolymer plastic. The technology is based on the properties of photopolymers - by the influence of the laser it solidifies and becomes a solid form of plastic. These properties have become the basis for the future of the printer: laser beam draws every pixel of the picture, creating it from a liquid substance which, frozen, becomes solid element object.
The second technique, which is used not less active than the first, has become a technology called "laser sintering". The material that is used is fusible plastic powder. By the action of the laser melts the plastic becomes elastic, and then sintered into a single mass. To plastic under the influence of the temperature of the laser does not ignite or not oxidized in the chamber, where the works, add nitrogen (inert gas).
3D printer is working in the following way: a work item, head extruder melts the plastic thread, which fueled the printer. The molten element is fed through a nozzle, and then hardens fairly rapidly at room temperature. Special working conditions as for industrial technologies are not required. In this case, the cost of creating objects low - only 50-60 dollars per 1 kg of plastic, which is enough for a long time, making the printer more affordable for home use.
Thanks to the progress, today we can print not just banal t-shirts with three-dimensional image, but we can create complex three-dimensional projection model buildings with fidelity to 100 microns. They are particularly relevant to research institutions, because now you can not only make a prototype, and also can touch it in the ongoing research. Jewelers also appreciated the novelty - thanks to a new generation of printers it is now able to create the casting molds for the most intricate product and it is easy. Archaeologists have the opportunity not only to sketch a possible projection of the element found, but virtually recreate its exact form.
The dream of scientists which may become a reality is the creation of "food printer". It will be able to produce a real food and a reconstruction of human organs, which is especially important for people who cannot find a donor. And today is practiced printing of the intervertebral discs and stem cells. So all that our ancestors felt fantastic, and now we see the part in the movie, it really will soon become our everyday that will make life easier and easier.
Not so long ago, German scientists developed the technology for producing human skin. In its manufacture a gel obtained from a donor cell is used. And in 2011 scientists were able to reproduce the living human kidney.
As you can see, the possibilities offered by 3D printing in virtually all spheres of human activity are truly endless. Printers, creating culinary masterpieces that reproduce human organs and prostheses, toys and teaching aids, clothing and footwear are the realities of modern life.
Works Cited
Hausman, Kalani Kirk, and Richard Horne. 3D Printing for Dummies. Print.
Lipson, Hod, and Melba Kurman. Fabricated: The New World of 3D Printing. Print.
Neill, Terence, and Josh Williams. 3D Printing. Print.