The matter of choice is always challenging. This time, it was not an exception. There were two portfolios to evaluate regarding the responsive typeface and typography itself [D&AD]. Frankly speaking, David’s work was my favorite at the beginning. His collection was unusual. The choice of pictures and the colorful spectrum fascinated me. The page revealed the character of David. He seemed romantic with good taste person. I also liked the section ‘My achievements' at the menu. This article is relevant because it proves the professional background of a candidate. Unfortunately, entering the sub-page with achievements, I could find only the name of the courses. The links with the student’s reflection and works submitted were unavailable. It completely spoiled the overall picture. The primary place of the portfolio was absent. Moreover, the tiny size of the font on the first page made David’s long story hardly readable. I had nothing but regret about the portfolio incompleteness. Thus, I had to recognize David’s collection as the worst one ("David Castillo’s ePortfolio”).
The uncertain situation was with Ann’s portfolio. It was so pure and straightforward that I could not judge of Ann’s character. Anyone might have the same collection regarding the sample and its decoration. The first I did, immediately checked for the visual variations. Everything worked from the mobile phone. The absence of the section ‘Achievements.' made me sad. However, all links and references worked. I could reach Ann’s comments and reflection words as well as see her works for the formative and summative assessments ("Ann Marsera's ePortfolio). Although I did not like the font chosen, I must have admitted that the text was easily readable and clear. Ann’s literacy was much better than David’s one. She made significantly fewer mistakes than her classmate. The design is outstanding, no doubt, but the functionality and content play a bigger role in both business and education. Ann certainly won this battle.
Works cited
"Ann Marsera's EPortfolio." Digication E-Portfolio. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 July 2016.
"David Castillo’s EPortfolio." Digication E-Portfolio. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 July 2016.
[D&AD]. "Responsive Typefaces." YouTube. YouTube, 2014. Web. 27 July 2016.