Academic residency comes with several benefits that students enjoy. Academic residencies are learning experiences that ensure that students will collaborate integrate and network with their fellow students, the staff of the institution and he faculty members. Students from various fields come together so that they can share their views and opinions in a dynamic environment that is peaceful and carefree. The practices of different professionals are also shared so that the students can have a vast kb=knowledge of what takes place in different academic fields.
The beneficiaries of academic residency are exposed to very many advantages. They are in a position to connect with the faculty members of their institutions either as an individual or as groups in advising sessions. This helps the students to interact freely where they are advised on the best ways that ensures that they achieve their best in academics and in social life.
It is also evident that the students undergoing academic residency program have high skills when it comes to writing, research, critical-thinking and the discipline specific skills. This means that the students are shaped to become all-rounded students with experiences in different fields. Their thinking capacities become strengthened with fresh thoughts and this boosts their memory.
Academic residency is also important as it exposes students to scenarios where they share different experiences and insights. Self-interest amongst students helps them to understand that they have different dreams and wishes and this is not be a factor of disunity in the universe. Concisely, academic students will help students to reap numerous benefits and collaborate fully with the student support staff. There is a need for academic institutions to support the program.
Work cited
Robinson, S. (August 14, 2004). "Antitrust Lawsuit Over Medical Residency System Is Dismissed". The New York Times