There is no way to understand someone without trying to leave their whole life. The best way to get closer to someone’s life is to study where they were born and where they spent their childhood.
(, 2014)
Sex: Female
(, 2015)
Ethnicity: Italian
Religion: Catholic
Life expectancy:84
Language: Italian
Annual income (estimate of SES): $ 12,000
Occupation: Actress
Nature of transportation used: taxi/ own car
Other relevant information about this person:
Isabella was born in Palermo and lived there until she entered Acting School in Milan. Having built her career as an actress, she comes back to Palermo to visit her family once in a while, especially during the big religious celebrations.
What is the brief history of the Villager's Region?
Geographical situation of Palermo caused it’s constant being conquered by different tribes, countries and empires. That led to the diversity in the population. By the Middle Age there lived Greeks, Arabs, Jews, Normans and others. In the Modern Age Palermo is noted for its history and culture. In the area the Palermo Stone was found – unique archeological source of Egyptian history.
Another thing Italy is famous for is Mafia, especial Sicilian Mafia. Palermo was the last resort for Sicilian mafia during the 1970, when Benito Mussolini’s regime aimed at eliminating Mafia as it was.
What is the role of Religion in the Villager's life and community?
As in any Italian city, population of Palermo is traditionally Catholic. Catholicism is one of the major world’s religions. Since it belongs to Christian church, the main beliefs about the life and death are based on the Saint Trinity: Father, Son and the Holly Spirit. However Catholicism also worships Mary, Jesus’ Mother, and that differs them from other Christians. The Bible is the sacred scripture for Catholics. Though Italians think of themselves as religious people, Palermo is a regional capital of Sicily, where people mostly keep traditions for the sake of traditions.
Isabella grew up in the family, where grandparents were religious and taught her the Catholic traditions.
Works cited:, (2014). Quando arrivò un certo Luciano. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2015]., (2015). Palermo: location --Kids Encyclopedia | Children's Homework Help | Kids Online Dictionary | Britannica. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2015]., (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2015]., (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2015]., (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2015]., (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr. 2015].