Human beings, by nature, are omnivorous. Therefore, they feed on entirely everything edible, from vegetable products to meat substances, like animals. For a long time, however, the dice has always dictated what is necessary for human beings to eat if they are to live a healthy and strong life. This creates the concept of a balanced diet. Over the previous years, scholars have emerged with certain restrictions to alleviate certain illness and maintain a healthy diet for human beings. One controversial food element is meat. While others think that meat is not essential in the diet (Burnie, Encarta), many others still believe that it is necessary and does no harm to the human body. This essay supports the latter argument but with certain checks to the consumption rate in the human body. This argument bases most of its facts on the grounds that not all meats are bad
Animals are excellent providers of proteins. The types of proteins that emerge from animals have greater quality than those from vegetables (Harris &Wenner-Gren Foundation journal). Therefore, those who include such kinds of proteins in their diets have the chance to build stronger cells that repair quickly upon injury. This fact merges with the existence of vitamin B12 in animals’ elements only. Such elements are vital are necessary in small intakes. On the contrary, lately, protein does not have to come from animals alone. Products like beans and certain grains are also rich in proteins as long as they have sufficient calories. Notwithstanding, the amount and quality may differ. Therefore, a little meat is not necessarily harmful in maintaining a healthy diet.
Secondly, vegetarian diets do not necessarily portray a meatless meal. Some animal products like dairy foods, fish, and chicken elements are vital for human development. According to Mennel (pg. 49), vegetarians have a noble cause but often, they do not meet their standards. They become too hard on themselves are often they lost the point of balanced dietary habits. If not checked, they become anemic and some women develop osteoporosis. Hust says that eating little of certain meats is not risky at all (New Zealand Dietetic Association). The point that many should ask is whether, they are willing to give up on the meat. She asserts that veggies are great but many are not accustomed to it and become liars to their conscience. Therefore, eating meat in moderate capacities is not dangerous at all. Actually, it becomes necessary as supplements in a vegetarian diet.
In conclusion, it is evident that too much of something can be dangerous. Meat is not entirely necessary in the diet of human beings, but it provides a variety of nutritious elements for growth and development. As projected by Harris, certain vital nutritional elements like vitamin B12 and quality proteins are necessary in human development. This means that great protein providers like beans are sufficient but not lack the quality of animal proteins. Nonetheless, a string vegetarian diet also provides better and more sustainable means of healthy living. From the essay, it emerges that meat consumption needs a distinction. There are certain meat categories like red meat, which are harmful to human beings, however, others like fish, and some chicken parts are essential and necessary to human beings. The paradox lies in their harmful aspects not often overt as in red meat. Furthermore, the essay maintains that making the decision to strike off a meat inclusive diet completely may seem unlikely. Therefore, having moderations in a person’s diet becomes necessary to ensure honesty in keeping healthy.
Burnie, David. "Animal meat." Microsoft® Encarta® 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008.
Harris, M., Ross, E. B., & Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. (1987). Food and evolution: Toward a theory of human food habits. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Maniaci, M.R., & Reis, H.T. (2010). The Marriage of Positive Psychology and Relationship Science: A Reply to Fincham and Beach. Journal of Healthy Family Living & Review, 2, 47–53.
Mennell, S., Murcott, A., Otterloo, A. H., & International Sociological Association. (1992). The sociology of food: Eating, diet, and culture. London: Sage.
New Zealand Dietetic Association (2006, September 11). Cultural Issues of Obesity, Food and Nutrition | Scoop News. Scoop - New Zealand News. Retrieved July 10, 2013, from