Article 1: Simple Tips for Virtual Meetings
With the increasing number of individuals and businesses utilizing virtual meetings, the tips provided in this article on how to make the most out of the virtual meetings are very handy and simple. The problem really with virtual meetings is that it’s hard to make sure that the one you’re meeting with are giving you their full attention. Unlike in face- to – face meetings where you can see what they are doing or you can feel if they are bored or not, in virtual meetings you can’t because you rely on the tool you are using.
Among the tips given, I found testing the tools in advance as one important step in conducting virtual meetings. It will be very unprofessional if on the time of the meeting proper, you’ll encounter several technical problems which can sometimes cancel the meeting because you were unable to connect with them or the software used is not compatible with what they are using. Although, technical problems can be encountered from time to time, testing them in advance is essential to ensure success of connection.
Controlling the chat is another important aspect of a virtual meeting because if you can’t control the chat, then there is a possibility that their attention will shift from you to the chatbox or misunderstandings may occur.
Article 2: Groupware
Sometimes, when a need is there for a groupware adoption, people skip the formalities. They just decide among themselves because they are looking for a more efficient and cheaper way of communicating.
As for the use of skype, I agree with the comments that skype is simple yet effective. Unlike other groupware, it is a standalone with several features where you can download it for free. Using skype for a company may be beneficial for communication because aside from the fact that it has telephone and chat capabilities and file sharing capabilities, it offers cheap monthly rates for telephone calls and sometime even unlimited calls. This will surely reduce the telephone bills of the company plus the fact that it can be installed in mobile phones and computers alike.
Article 3: New GSS Products
With the continuing popularity of the Group Support Systems, several products are coming out claiming new features. Users must not get too excited in trying out new products at once. I suggest to evaluate first the features of these new products and if these are needed by the group. If not, then they should not shift to the new one because most of the time, the more features a product has, the bigger the memory space required and the higher the bandwidth it requires. With this, it may affect the running of other software installed in your system.
Article 4: Video Chat Experience
The tips are really good. I agree that the tips 1-4 are technical tips but the rest depends on the personality of the person. The success of a video chat will is really enhanced by the background and the look of the person involved in the video chat. However, the big factor is how the people involved in the chat are taking the conversation.
There may be no problems with the lighting, software, hardware or the speed of the internet and the people involved may have dressed properly for the chat but there is no enthusiasm while chatting. This would spoil the efforts made while preparing for the chat.