Portfolio of Creation Myths (182-191)
Question 1
Different myths have different images to represent their creator gods. For instance the Native American narrative of creation uses the spider woman as the god responsible for the creation story. In the same way, the Australian society presented in this excerpt upholds the fact that life emanated from the emu egg (Ford 185). One similarity that exists in the way that the creator gods are presented is that they have extra-ordinary power to be able to accomplish the creation task. It is also evident from each of the stories presented that the gods conducted the creation process in an organized manner indicating the fact that organization was a fundamental element and characteristic of the gods presented in the creation narratives. It is clear from all the narratives that the gods responsible for creation conducted the creation process but it is apparent that they did not accomplish the whole creation process without a helper. For instance, in the Genesis myth, all that was created was created by God through the Word. This Word as is revealed in the genesis story was Jesus. This indicates that God conducted that creation process but with Jesus as His helper. The choice of the creation figure that is presented by each culture is one of the elements that can be used to illustrate the culture of a given society. For instance, the choice of an emu egg by the Australian society in this excerpt indicates that the culture is dependent on the emu or the area in which the society resides has a large number of the emu species.
Question 2
The Myths present a clear picture of the physical world on which the creation process is conducted. It is clear that before the world was created there was nothing. It is evident from the Genesis story that “the world was without shape or form.” This is a clear indication that in the beginning the world did not have anything on it. There is nothing that existed in the world before the different gods that are presented in the different myths commenced the creation process. The world did not have any order before the creation process. However, the processes of creating the world by the gods that are brought out in these narratives bring a sense of order and organization to the world because the whole process of creating is done in sequential manner. One of conclusions that we can make from the cultures that produced these myths is the fact that culture is highly organization and its immediate environment is part and parcel of its origin and heritage. For instance, the Native American story of creation is centered on the spider woman because the society was mostly connected to nature and its immediate environment.
Question 3
It is evident from the creation myths that there are different roles and status of the sexes that are presented in the different creation narratives. One of the things that are evident is that the male sex is given more dominion and power compared to the female sex. For instance in the myth presented in Genesis 1 & 2 it is evident that the male sex is the source of the female sex. God creates Woman from the Man’s rib. It is also clearly that God creates a woman for man to give him company because he was lonely. In fact, the Genesis myth explains that woman was created as a helper for a man. However, though the male sex seems to be dominant in most of the creation stories, it is evident from some myths like that of the Native Americans that the female sex is the source of creation. It is from the Spider Woman that the world is created. This means that the female sex is empowered to so that it is the source of the world and a source of fertility.
Question 4
According to the creation myths, it is evident that the relationship that exists between men and women to their creator is that of fear and respect due to the power that their creator possesses. However, it is evident that this close relationship between humans and their creator does not last for long. For instance in genesis, it is apparent that both man and woman eat the fruit that was forbidden by the creator therefore leading to a sore relationship between humans and their creator. However, it is clear that all the cultures have a high respectful and acknowledgement for their creator gods. Both men and women are very worshipful of their creator gods because these gods are their heritage.
Question 5.
It is clear that each creation myth present an attachment between humans and nature. There is no need to destroy nature for the creation process to be complete. It is evident that all the creator gods conducted the creation process in a way that is harmonious to nature. For instance, in the Genesis story, man is actually given dominion over nature so that he can be able to take care of nature. It is also evident in some of the creation myths that animals are actually given the role of creation. Some of these myths include that of the Native Americans that holds that the Spider Woman is responsible for the creation of the world.
Confessions of a ritual tourist (140)
Question 1
Definition of Ritual Tourist
Prose definition for a ritual tourist is a person who tours given regions during important evident and times. It is clear from the author that he is used to touring different parts of the world at particular times. It is always difficult for the author to miss out important events in specific places. Prose explains that he was the kind of person that you would not miss in the front row of major events (Ford 142). This is a clear indication that one becomes a ritual tourist by being constantly involved in touring various ritualistic functions across the world.
Question 2
Incident that Prose realizes he is a ritual tourist
Prose explains that he not really sure where his career as a ritual tourist begun. He explains that his career either begun “in Ganges, Benares, or Varanasi” (Ford 142). One of the things that made prose to understand that he had become a ritual tourist was the fact that he had made numerous trips to the same regions like India to see the same events like the throwing of ashes in the sea during Holy week. This continuous travelling to these regions created a relation between him and the culture of the people in the regions that he toured.
Question 4
Examples of ritual tourists that defines this concept
One of the things that are important to note is the fact that prose becomes a ritual tourist because he is constantly involved in ritualistic tourist activities in many countries. One example of the ritual tourism that increases my understand for this concept is the idea that in 1970, Prose had already travelled to India twice to attend the same event meaning that the rituals that were being conducted in India at the time had become part of his life.
Question 1
Difference between Chung & Father Regarding Taoist religions
Chung seems not to believe in the power of the supernatural forces that his father believed in. however, his continued accompanying of his father in the Taoist temples however contributed to his belief that there is a possibility that there was some power and truth in the religion that his father believed in. One of the differences that exist between Chung and his Father in terms of their religion is that his father had more faith in the religion in making his domestic matters. This is one of the reasons that his father made his family conduct prayers in his own home.
Question 2
One of the things that are evident is that the author initially explains the ways in which the Taoist religion is unique compared to other religions. The author gives a detailed description of the religion and the commitment that Chung showed towards his religion. During the description, the author seems to concentrate on the building and artistic value of the temple. However, the author changes his perception of the temple as a place where ideas about life can be obtained. It was in the temple that his father obtained inspiration about how to handle his heart complications.
Question 3
Emotional power of essay
Chung’s description and interpretation of his father’s religion contribute to the emotional power of the essay. It is heartening in his explanation to see the dedication that his father put towards his faith. It was through faith that his father was able to keep his family together and also be in a position to make key decisions in the domestic sphere. For instance, it was due to his faith in his religion that his father finally decided to see a surgeon in order to take care of his heart ailment.
Works Cited
Ford, Marjorie A. Dreams and Inward Journeys: A Rhetoric and Reader for Writers.
New York: Pearson Education Inc., 2003. Print.