“What can we tell about a person by the way he/she speaks?” This is a very fundamental statement and critically defines the various phenomenons as far as the various aspects of an individual are concerned. In relation to the unit; Language, Society and Culture the article “brief history of English” critically describes the brief origin of the English language in relation to its rich history and background and the way it’s spoken.
How the various English words and phrases are pronounced determines and rather explains the origin of it and the rich culture behind it. English is an Indo-European language, it further highlights that the origin of English language is related to Dutch, German, Spanish, Latin, Greek and German.
Originated from the steppes of southern Russia and western Kazakhstan, the language is spoken by a third of the human race on the planet earth. The linguists have expounded on the act that many people are quite confident expressing themselves in an official manner using the language.
The present day England was initially occupied by Celtic people and spoke the language related to the present day Welsh. In addition, few words such as crag and dun are fetched from the languages that are included in the English words and phrases and this continues to explain the history and origin of the English language.
In the Roman army the various words spread as a result of the movement and this continued to enrich the language. Merchants literally did manage to impose names such as pise-'peas', plante- 'plant'. The continued interaction of these people brought about the spread and maturity of the language and goes ahead to explain the evolution with time from 449AD to present.