The ban on soda in New York City by the city’s mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is a move by the government to safeguard the people of New York against health implications associated with obesity. This is normally caused by high uptake of sugary beverages with high amounts of sugar and calories. The ban aims at restricting establishments in the city dealing with food services to offer drinks that are larger than sixteen ounces. This move was aimed at a large variety of soft drinks and other beverages. However, the move offered exceptions to some such as fruit juices, alcohol and drinks with a good amount of milk. It also exempts establishments such as convenience stores as well as grocery stores.
According to the city's mayor, this ban is a plan to help reduce the cases of obesity in the city and its effects on people. This could be only achievable by increasing awareness of the high contents of sugar they consume every day from these soft and fizzy drinks. The move has had a lot of support from the citizens but still has a lot of opposition from some of the people. This is mostly because some view it as a wrong move by the government in that the government is overstepping on its mandate in terms of people's choice of consumption.
The ban targets beverages with sugar content above sixteen ounces. This barn targets every establishment in the city. As a result, this means that anyone who wants to have more than sixteen ounces of calories will have to order an extra glass or bottle of the same soda or any other beverages. This move is strategic because it insists that manufacturers should label the specific amounts of sugar that these beverages have. This allows customers to become aware of the quantity of sugar they consume. As much as it prohibits them from accessing the beverage with high amount of sugar, it also educates them on the level of health risks they bring to themselves. This ban shows how legislation and policies can become instrumental in the process of controlling businesses especially when the welfare of the people is at risk. Obesity in the city has become a very widespread condition, which is increasing each day. In turn, this causes many losses to the city in terms of money needed to meet health care costs for overweight conditions. The population has become unproductive especially in the military and most of all, there has been an increase in deaths associated with obesity and other related conditions. The success of the ban means reduced access to these drinks for people as well as increased awareness of the need for proper health in terms of consumption.
The ban is strategic by the fact that it does not affect business especially small business. One aspect to note is that the prohibition has exempted certain food establishments such as convenience stores and grocery stores. The ban has also exempted certain drinks such as alcohol and those with a substantial amount of milk. The ban has also specified the amount of sugar banned on the drinks. Nonetheless, some of the businesses that greatly rely on the sale of these beverages will be affected. However, one can argue that, this is the price such businesses will have to pay for the purpose of health benefits of the people of New York’s City.
Nevertheless, the ban is not unique to the problem of controlling obesity in the city. In fact, the mayor and other government officials need to take concrete measures to solve this problem. This entails aspects such as; enhancing the need to control level of calories in foods and drinks and increase the awareness about safe eating and drinking in terms of a healthy diet. They should also emphasize the need for exercising by developing good gyms in public schools in the city and beyond.
Legislation is, therefore, critical and could be used to influence the people's choice in terms of their consumption. An example would be increasing the cost of advertising or increase taxation of certain commodities in order to influence their prices in the market. Such instances would lower the people’s demand for these products and reduce their accessibility.
Example Of Case Study On Demarketing Soda In NYC
Type of paper: Case Study
Topic: Government, Social Issues, Obesity, Health, Politics, Sugar, City, People
Pages: 3
Words: 700
Published: 03/21/2020
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