Statement of problem
Google in China experiences censure and restriction of information delivered to its citizens. The government of China regulated information on legal grounds and sensitivity to China’s security .
In the Wall Street journal on January 13 of 2010, Google urges the government of China to stop the sanctions or else they quit their operations. China grew very fast during this period with minimal online contribution. The government of china indicated hackers of Google were the most feared people who could study china’s government system. However, Google team recognized the presence of hackers who had access to limited information. The hackers mainly targeted human activists’ accounts contrary to the governments’ claims. Google grew tremendously in other countries but faced a significant obstacle in China only. Baidu strengthened its ties with China to lock out Google. It offered free music downloads to entice the china community.
Analysis of the issues
Yahoo emailing services offered search options 2000 in Japan, China and Korea. Google built its first office in Tokyo in 2001 after a great struggle with the Chinese government. Google did not grow proportionately in China. In 2004, it had reached over 85% of the worldwide population but had a small proportion of China. Translation of the good search engine into different languages achieved a target of over 110 languages in 2009. Its initial public offer raised $ 16.8 million in 2008. Its profits grew with time, and in 2008, it reached $21.8 billion. These enormous increases emerged from the advertisements in Google, Ad words and Ad sense . Google diversified its products with time. It developed customer oriented services and Google calendar among others. Google targeted the hosting of all books in the world. In2000 Chinese government was filtering information by Google. Its main target was Google since other internet providers associated themselves with the Chinese government. Most Chinese companies decided to post ads in the Google site. They rejected Baidu proposed by the government. Baidu threatened the popularity of Google in china by using the government.
Chinas grew and established itself as the second largest trading country. Online trading comprised only 1% of this trade. Google had to devise ways to explore the online market in China. Google decided on January 13, 2010 to cease its operations in China if it would not be given full authority of their information. Major problems would emerge if Google withdrew from China. However, this request by Google threatened many companies. Microsoft fully supported Google to be censured. It never mentioned Bing which competed with Google. Many companies in China switched to using Google search engine. China justified its actions by stating that Google developed in the United States. Politically, U.S China war led to the rejection of Google in china. This caused its major criticism by china government as a ploy to investigate China’s top government secrets. China had to restrict their information and still today, some information is confidential and restricted. On the other hand, China divided itself into two; the affiliates and the communists. One group influenced the government major decisions. Google aimed at delivering educative materials to its users and briefing them on the world news.
After researches, it proved that hacking was evident in most of the large companies. Google was not an exception to the hackers. Google hackers aimed the activists email. They accessed through phi sing scams or malware on the user gadgets. The determined cases showed that emails hacked never provided all the information. It provided the basic information to the hacker. These proves later enabled goggles restrictions be removed. Sensitive security issues form the basis of restriction.
Google search engines work under certain philosophies. They focus on the users of Google and search for information follows. Capturing a potential user is the task but the search for information follows after user identification. It focuses on perfection. This ensures the first time users of Google get carried by the site and enticed to be using it daily. Perfection wins it all. Google’s third philosophy focuses on the speed. Speed is an essential ingredient to many services. Fast search engines preference is high to the slow ones . Thus, Google search engines must increase their speed to achieve numbers. They must attract greater numbers to increase their profitability. Google observes individuals democracy on the web. This justifies their disagreement with China on the restrictions. Individuals should be able to access al, the information he or she wants. This boosts the users’ confidence of finding solutions to all the problems.
Through Google, you can look for solutions from any poinAt. It is a wireless technology which helps business people does their business transactions at different places. Google’s philosophy of making money by doing well encourages many people to do constructive adverts through Google to earn. While some people are complaining about unemployment, others are creating employment through Google adverts. Google believes that information cannot be exhausted. People must search for this information from Google. Google on the other hand, must ensure a continuous flow of information. They also believe that the need for information is not on one area only . Need for information is vast and cross borders. Google recognize people on their knowledge level and not wear. Finally, Google recognizes greatness as a continuous process of achieving ones targets.
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