1). If I was using the archival method to archival method to conduct “research on sex differences in emails,” I would not have to collect data from emails, the required data from the emails would already be available. Since the data would already be collected, it would not have to be reviewed. Moreover, the men and women would have given their permission to use their data in research during the creation of the archive. Above all, if I use the archival method, I would not be able to introduce changes in the behavior of the participating men and women, i.e. make the men to use more declarative statements and women use more questions. Of course, by using the archival method, I would not be able to control the data already achieved, and often it may not be possible to rely on previously achieved data.
2). If I was using the naturalistic observation method to conduct “research on the length of time it takes customers to select items in a grocery store,” I would be able to able to observe customers in their natural setting, i.e. the grocery store, and physically observe how much time they spend deciding on more expensive and cheaper items. The disadvantage of using the naturalistic observation method would be that observing customers in a grocery store would consume a lot of time. Moreover, extraneous variables and even my own presence could cause the customers to act the opposite of my hypothesis, affecting my research and I would not be able to control it. Thus, my conclusions of the customers’ behavior might not be accurate.
3). If I was conducting a survey to determine how popular a given political candidate will be with Latino voters, I would be able to collect the opinions (the data) of a large number of Latino voters quite easily in a very short time. It would save me money. Unlike other methods, conducting a survey would be more flexible since I could choose what survey questions to include. However, if the survey questions were poor, then it could affect my research and I could end up making an inaccurate conclusion. Moreover, I could not be sure that the Latino voters are providing honest answers, they could be lying or might be unsure about whether they want to support the political candidate or not.
4). Using the case study method to investigate the experience of a mother who is raising a child with autism would allow me to study the actual, real life, experience of the mother. I would able to analyze true facts and her complex issues. I would be able to explore her experience. This would allow me to apply my knowledge and skills to develop a realistic solution for her and others facing similar problems. However, the disadvantage would be that I would be merely studying a single case would limit by scope of research, when I could be researching a broader range of facts and statistics.
5). When conducting research, the first and foremost ethical concern that researchers must address is that they should get permission of those who will be involved in their study and ensure that they are interested in taking part in the study. Whatever information that researchers gain from participants, they should never misuse it. Researchers should maintain an ethical responsibility towards those participating in a study. Researchers are responsible for protecting the privacy, rights, and sensitivity of the participants. They should make sure that they do violate the anonymity and privacy of the participants, unless they have permission to use their information, and maintain confidentiality as well.
Evaluation methods . (n.d.). Retrieved from http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~pbd/pdfs/Evaluation_Methods.pdf
Guidelines for responsible conduct of research. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.provost.pitt.edu/documents/GUIDELINES FOR ETHICAL PRACTICES IN RESEARCH-FINALrevised2-March 2011.pdf
Research ethics. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://depts.washington.edu/bioethx/topics/resrch.html
Research methods in psychology: their advantages and disadvantages. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://wps.prenhall.com/wps/media/objects/1928/1974719/t01_03.pdf