SuperSaas Appointment Schedule is an appointment scheduling system developed by SuperSaas.
Reasons for selecting SuperSaas Appointment Schedule
Compared with the other systems customer appointments systems, SuperSaas Appointment Schedule is an ideal system for improving customer scheduling at UMUC Haircuts due to a number of reasons.
Ideally, the system will help improve customer scheduling process at UMUC Haircuts due to its state-of-the-art features.
SuperSaas Appointment Schedule system’s features according to Capterra Inc. website include online customer scheduling, recurring customer appointments, calendar management, group scheduling, payment processing, reservations, reminders, and multi-location.
Through the use of SuperSaas Appointment Schedule, UMUC Haircuts’ customers will be able to manage their appointments and help save the time Myra currently spend on the phone.
The system will be used by both UMUC Haircut’s customers and employees.
In addition, the system will help save Myra costs more than the other systems. For instance, its basic version is free. What’s more, SuperSaas Appointment Schedule will be affordable for Myra because its cost per month is only $8.
Major Hardware required
At UMUC Haircuts, Myra will only need to have internet-enabled computers in order to implement SuperSaas Appointment Schedule system.
Consequently, this system is a perfect system for UMUC Haircuts since she will not be required to install anything to acquire it.
Facility requirements
Myra will need to place the internet-enabled computers at all her business locations to improve overall customer scheduling.
Telecommunication needs
For SuperSaas Appointment Schedule to work effectively at UMUC Haircuts, Myra will need to ensure that her computers access the internet at highest speeds.
For this reason, she will have to procure high-tech computers and connect internet at her premises from a reliable internet access provider.
Apart from the internet connectivity, Myra will also need to have communication equipment at her premises to facilitate the passage of information from one location to the other.
It is worth noting that Myra and her employees will use the system to store all the data concerning her customers.
Business resources needed to complete the project
Skills and services
In addition, the employees and customers should have social media skills such as analytical skills, creative mindset, visual thinking, pattern recognition, and statistical analysis skills.
Myra and her employees, as well as, the customers will only need to download the software plugin from SuperSaas website and get it working.
Cost of proposed solution
SuperSaas Appointment Schedule IT solution is cost-effective for Myra due to a number of reasons.
Firstly, it will be easy for her to use since she will not be required to install anything. In addition, the system does not require backups and servers hence it will be extremely cost-effective for UMUC Haircuts.
Secondly, Myra and her employees will not need to spend a lot of time on the phone as customers will use the system to make appointments 24/7.
In addition, the system serves numerous scheduling needs related to customers such as online scheduling, recurring appointments, and payment processing.
The total cost of ownership for SuperSaas Schedule IT system is very affordable. The system is easy to set up hence it is a cost-effective IT solution for Myra.
In essence, Myra will only be required to maintain her computers and telecommunications equipment.
Project Management
Triple Constraints
The triumph of a project relies on the way one controls the scope, schedule, and the budget (Dobson, 2004). For this reason, Myra should first refine the three constraints and manage them according to processes she will have established in the planning stage.
Myra should ensure that SuperSaas Appointment Schedule produces all the work documented and required in the scope. She should use the change control process to handle any deviation.
Myra should use an agreed-upon baseline to measure the performance of the system and determine if it is on track.
In addition, Myra should use the information about the time spent on various tasks to update the schedule.
Myra should control the cost by regularly monitoring the financial performance of the system and address the cost-related issues as they will arise.
Human resource management
Myra should involve a system manager, steering committee, and project team in implementing SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System.
The system manager will primarily be in charge of the successful implementation, monitoring, and control of the system.
The steering committee will steer the system from its initiation to completion. In addition, the steering committee will be responsible for monitoring the quality of the system, timelines, and potential risks.
The project team that will be comprised of some employees will be responsible for executing the tasks.
Risk management
Risks are the potential future events, which can affect a project’s scope, schedule, and budget adversely (Wallace & Keil, 2004).
The major risks associated with SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System IT solution at UMUC Haircuts include lack of user experience, application complexity, and loss of control as a result of decentralization decision-making.
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
System Investigation
Myra needs to investigate the system requirements.
Myra together with the system manager, steering committee, and project team should establish a detailed plan to help manage SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System.
System Analysis
SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System should be studied in detail.
An analyst should gather business requirements and summarize SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System requirements from the customers and employees.
System Design
The system design will analyze the customer needs and evaluate how the system will be used at UMUC Haircuts.
Programming or System Configuration
In the system configuration phase, Myra will need to determine the components such as computers and telecommunication equipment that will be used together with the SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System.
In this phase, Myra should evaluate the actual functionality of SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System in relation to its expected functionality at her premises.
In this phase, the SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System will be implemented in all the locations.
The employees and customers will need to be trained how to use it. What’s more, customer scheduling should be evaluated.
Operations and Maintenance
SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System will become operational during this stage. Myra should ensure that it continues to perform as per the specifications.
Myra will need to continue seeking maintenance services from SuperSaas support.
Business process Changes
After the implementation of SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System IT solution at UMUC Haircuts, the process of customer scheduling will improve significantly.
Myra and her employees will be able to recall their customers’ preferences once the system is implemented.
Employee Training
Myra will develop a detailed training program to train all the employees on how to use the system.
She will need to train them through training workshops to equip them with the practical skills.
The employees will, on the other hand, train the customers how to use the system when making appointments.
Defining Success
Myra can check whether customer service has improved to determine if the process of customer scheduling has been improved throughout her business.
Myra can check the time she and her employees spend on phone booking, as well as, managing appointments to determine whether customer scheduling has improved as a result of SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System implementation.
Myra can also check the feedback from her employees to know if SuperSaas Appointment Schedule System IT solution has helped her business.
Capterra Inc. (n.d.). Reviews of SuperSaas Appointment Schedule: Free Pricing & Demos: Appointment Scheduling Software. Retrieved from
Dobson, M. (2004). The triple constraints in project management. Management Concepts Inc.
Wallace, L., & Keil, M. (2004). Software project risks and their effect on outcomes. Communications of the ACM, 47(4), 68-73.