Activity 1
Question 1
When selecting an IT professional to provide expert opinion in a case, the credentials that one has are looked into. It starts from looking at the school in which one attained the skills and how it is rated in its performances. One’s experience and performances in the field on the past are also referred to. Understanding of the law is equally important. The hourly charges are based on one’s reputation. For average IT professionals, they charge an estimated $400-500 dollars an hour. Those whose are recognized more earn up to $1000 an hour. It is all about the reputation and credentials that one has established.
Question 2
A certified IT security professional provides specialized facts and evidence needed in this expertise through his/her training, skills and education. This improves the quality of judgement or conviction that the court sticks. Multiple examples of when this has happened are evident under the Computer/Legal Consultants, Inc (
Activity 2
Question 3
When testifying in a court as either a witness or victim in a computer crime case, there are three things that one should consider. One of them is having concrete direct and physical evidence that have an impact on the case. Secondly, one should base everything he/she says on clarity, truth and professionalism while ensuring calm due to the twisting questions and arguments of the attorneys. Lastly, it is important that one shares the facts and avoids giving opinions. The IT expert should be up to date with his/her credentials and achievements in the field as well.
Question 4
The defense or prosecution team may be challenged if they failed to follow the guidelines above. To begin with, if the evidence is not concrete in either a civil or criminal case, the conviction will be swayed in accordance to that. If the witness mistakes in presenting his/her credentials as a witness, the jury will deem this as incompetence. Lastly, if the witness or victim is not calm, the opposing attorneys may use his/her anger against him.