Concept map
The presentation of data, information and knowledge towards the development of economic growth as an eventual output of the involved factors. There is a common integration of knowledge management as the eventual level that determines the intensity upon which the respective elements of contribution are achieved. The prospects of technology spills, which is deemed as a factor of both the human capital as a description of knowledge management has been identified as the primal reference upon which the development of data is perceived. Apparently, the eventual target of the entire description has been enshrined as the economic growth. This may be achieved as a factor of either knowledge conceptualization, or a product of human capital. It is eminent that the realization of the eventual knowledge conceptualization may be achieved via different perspectives. The eventual ability to foster a rigid process of economic growth is only perceived along a path that may trigger increased leverage on success.
The concept map presents a comprehensive manner upon which the strengthening of the human capital invested towards the realization of the desired objectives. The growth of the desired objectives allows for the integration of developed information onto the human capital invested in the entire process. This is in the description to the critical role that is desired in the development of information. The aforesaid process is described as a route upon which the data is transformed and pursued towards its eventual generation of information. The development of data has been described as a factor of both technology spillovers, as well as the conceptualization of knowledge. Knowledge management has been described as a factor that adds to the development of the data, as well as the intellectual capitalism.
Part 2
The concept of knowledge management is a factor that attributes to advancement of human capital has been illustrated as a rather expanded process. This is with respect to the nature of the process that allowed for the integration of the various concepts towards the eventual desire. The role of information as the development of data has been increasingly highlighted as the eventual cause of the action of human capital. This is prescribed as a factor of the knowledge conceptualization, which is described as the ultimate promoter of the intelligence of the human capital (Akerlof and Shiller, 2009, p. 67). The process of information generation requires for the data to be horned by a calligraphic integration of technology spills that have been encouraged by the buffers of knowledge management, and intellectual capitalism.
However, the eventual presentation of knowledge management as a factor of human capital may be presented as a description of the various theories identified by the various philosophers. The concepts aired under the Granstrand’s (1990) theory present a common integration of the three opinions as factors of human capital, which has been described as a calculation of success. This allows for the prosperity of human capital, a development that allows the realization of the eventual economic growth (Lindsey, 2012, p. 35). Apparently, the concepts of success and failure as a factor of either of these two elements have been documented as a respond to the eventual output of economic growth. Negative growth impacts a fail in the process while the reciprocal remains true.
Akerlof, G. A., & Shiller, R. J. (2009). Animal spirits: How human psychology drives the economy, and why it matters for global capitalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Granstrand, O., & United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. (1990). The use of patents for the protection of technological innovation: A case study of selected Swedish firms: study. Geneva: United Nations.
Lindsey, Brink. (2012). Human Capitalism. New York: Princeton University Press.