The main difference between the Virginia and New Jersey constitutional convention was on the powers of the federal government. Even though the different states were independent with their set of rules, they could not amend or rectify their constitution without the consent of the federal government.
Alexander and Hamilton played a major role in defining the US constitution. They however had different approaches on how the constitution would work best for the country. It was rather obvious that their views were aimed at improving and growing the economy of the country. The question was however on whether to utilize the available resources or seek assistance from the international community.
Jefferson believed more in empowering the economy through natural resources and more especially agriculture. On the other hand, Hamilton believed on the support that the international community would give which will be vital in sharing of skills and resources. Taxation was one of the means through which both leaders believed would pool resources and hence enabling the country to establish meaningful income generating projects that would benefit the state (Foner, pp. 257-59).
Slavery was one of the major issues that were addressed by the constitution. Its deep roots did not however guarantee that blacks would be set free from the bondage that had become a normal occurrence to them. The constitution however made people to change their attitudes towards slavery by claiming that in spite of its negative implications, slaves were having better lives. This is because they had less to worry about, as they knew they were more of a property than people were. The conditions that were placed for the slaves who desired such freedom and the fact that it was more of a psychological issue made it even stronger (Foner, pp. 257-59).
I found the view of Hamilton to be more favorable compared to that of Jefferson. His program was clear and focused more on the well-being and the future of the United States. The fact that he emphasized on strengthening the military power of United States confirms that he believed on the fact that United States will be the world’s commercial hub. He did not only come up with theoretical program but also one that would stand the test of time.
Works cited
Foner, Eric. Tom Paine And Revolutionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2005.