The notion of crime analysis is analyzed differently with diverse scholars. Nevertheless, all the defining factors have common features that unite the field. According to Sampson (2007), crime analysis is a key element in police agency since it makes use of information in the intelligence systematic methods. The major factor that play a big role in criminal detentions are first, crime study, that is, burglary, rape, robbery among others (Lemonick, 2007). Secondly, there are chaotic issues or problems that include suspicious activities, noise complaints, and thief alarms among others. Therefore, crime analysis presents a preventive measure and an understanding in a situation which leads to reduction of disorder, and prevention and evaluation of crime. It is so very important to note that crime analysis does not only apply in crime related issues but also the problems that are faced by the police, for example, the requirements needed for staffing.
Crime study entails close examination, investigation, and enquiry of the examined information (Corderoy, 2013). Therefore, it is not an anecdotal or haphazard procedure since it applies analytical methods, statistical techniques, collection of data procedures and social sciences. Crime study therefore entails close examination, investigation and enquiry of the information that is being scrutinized. It is not subjective or random as it includes data collection process and social sciences application. Additionally, it has analytical techniques and statistical methods.
Crime analysis utilizes both qualitative and quantitative methods and data. Qualitative methods are employed by analysts of crime in content analysis and field research. Furthermore, category data of numerical or statistical analysis are included in the manner in which we relate quantitative methods and data. For example, road accident can be equated into numerals and it is in the field. On the other hand, qualitative data and methods are employed in examining non-numerical statistics with the intension of identifying the highlighting pattern of its meaning and relationship.
Besides, crime analysis has its strategic, operational and tactical elements or components just as it is in criminal intelligence. The tactical attribute centers on instantaneous concerns which are very valuable in the department of police. The areas of priority and likelihood of problems are handled in the operational unit. Next, long term problems that need the police input, planning or an agency department are under strategic components (Sampson 43). The department of crime analysis is not openly concerned with crime diminution activities as it supports community relations, feasibility studies and grant applications. Thus, criminal investigative analysis which is an activity that covenants with geographical outlining is a comprehensive constituent of crime analysis.
In conclusion, crime analysis involves problem analysis that is conducted by the police in the department of police employing theories of criminal justice and data collection using comprehensive application. Due to this, the analysts is therefore capable of understanding the problem that they are facing and can even suggest ways in which this problem can be curbed by the appropriate authorities (Corderoy, 2013). Secondly, crime analysis involves Aoristic crime analysis which identifies high density areas in crime and scrutinizes crime hotspots. Additionally, this is an area that brings to light areas that are low in crime as they can easily be overlooked by the analysts. Lastly, there is integrated analysis model which deals with how both criminal intelligence and criminal analysts understand crime situations differently and how they influence the police department.
Sampson, S. B. (2007). Corporate social responsibility: The good, the bad and the ugly. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Corderoy, A. (2013). The American Security Provision. New York, NY: Prentice- Hall international.
Lemonick, M. (2007). Theoretical Frameworks to Understand a Case. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.