Good day. From now on, I will be your life-coach and hopefully with your cooperation, you could be a successful physician someday and if you have other goals that you think you want to achieve, I could also be able to help you regarding those things. I am neither saying that you cannot do things without me nor you can only do things with my supervision. If you are just going to rely on my every hint, then it may not be a life coach that you are looking for but a personal assistant. Anyways, expect that you will encounter a lot of hardships along the way as nothing great from easy things. I’d like to focus guiding you how to sustain the lifestyle that being a medical student requires. We are basically going to use the matrix to achieve our goals so sit back. We could do that by knowing our goals first and from those, start looking for clues and signs until we see what we’re looking for.
Goal Setting
So what’s the use of all of these if we do not set a goal? Most of the time, goals are meant to solve only the problem, Well do not worry because that is basically included to our list of goals but we are not just going to dwell on that. We will work on you fully adapting to the things that we have discovered effective for you as well. If there is even a single sign that a single practice works best for your type of personality, rest assured that I will give you the necessary programs and guidance for you to adapt to a lifestyle with that specific practice incorporated in it. Nevertheless, our main goal would be to get you out from the rim of failing grades. This isn’t actually all about your parents because issues like these are more about you. Having no failing marks in your transcript of records could be a sharp edge against your would-be competitors in the job market after you graduated. Also, having no failing grades in a batch of Physician could be an honor and this is a great way for you to boost your morale and self-esteem, at least not up to a harmful level.
Long-Term Effects
What do you think having a good grade during your physician years would implicate? Of course, you will have a brighter outlook in life, that all you have to do is to persevere for you to win something. And more advantageously for you, a better job market for someone who did satisfactorily during his student years.
I was a student and because of that, I know how hard it is to study when there are a lot of temptations to procrastinate and do other recreational things instead of studying. You do not really have to fight all of these things because you could always use everything as an advantage. It’s how you use things and not how to use things “normally”. Good luck on your journey and I do hope you would have a fruitful one.
Vogler, Christopher. (n.d.). The Hero’s Journet Outline. Hero’s Journey. Accessed November
2011. Available at
Leo, C. (2008). What Life Coaching is. Accessed November 2011. Available
Cortes, J.P. (2009). How to create a winning coaching model using a what works matrix. Life
Coaching. Accessed November 2011. Available at