Using Herzberg Two-Factor Theory to working environment
Hezberg theory is also known as the two factor theory that states that there are two types of environments in this theory. The first one is the one that cause satisfaction and the one consists of the factors that cause job dissatisfaction. These two environments are always independent from each other. Hezberg dealt with both the hygiene factors and the motivators in the work environment. The hygiene factors include challenging work, responsibility and recognition. These factors give positive satisfaction which arises from the intrinsic motivation. The motivators are like the job security and the fringe benefits and work conditions. These motivators do not give positive satisfaction rather when they lack there is dissatisfaction. These factors are extrinsic to the work.
According to this psychologist, individuals are not always satisfied with the fulfillment of the lower needs of work. An example of these factors is the minimum levels of salary, pleasant working conditions and safe working environment. Provision of all these factors will make the employees satisfied with their work. Individuals usually look for achievement, responsibility and advancement in the work itself. He added that there is a set of factors that are provided in the work environment lead to the employee satisfaction at the work environment. The presence of the incentives will lead to the employee satisfaction. On the other hand, there are those job characteristics like the interpersonal relationship and salary in the working environment.
The management should not only provide the hygiene factors but also provide the motivation factors to the employees. This is because they will be providing the extrinsic which cause workers dissatisfaction and the intrinsic factors that cause job satisfaction on the employees.
Think about the ineffective leaders. What are the dark-side traits these leaders possess that will cause them to be ineffective?
An infective leader is the one that provides the is a leader who does not lead people to the direction they are meant to follow or the leader who has failed to deliver what the organization is supposed to reach. The first trait of an ineffective leader is micro managing. This is where the leader enters into the business of its employees. A good leader is not the one that enters into the business of the employees rather the one who gives the employees the freedom to do their work in the right way.
An ineffective leader also has unclear objectives. This is where the leader has not taken time to define the direction of the organization or what it is trying to achieve. In some other cases the objectives might be clearly defined but they have not been communicated effectively. This will lead to a stagnated organization.
Frequent direction change is the other trait of an ineffective leader. This is where the leader changes the direction of the organization at frequently. The organization will always lag behind due to many changes. There is nothing demoralizing than to have a change of objectives every time. This will cause displeasure in employees since they never finish what they start due to change in the objectives.
No culture of accountability is another trait of ineffective leader. Everyone in the organization should know their part. Every individual in the organization should always be ready to be accountable in their part. The objectives should be communicated effectively to the teams. If that doesn’t happen it’s so easy for some members of the team might side track and never complete their part.
Don’t walk their talk is another trait of ineffective leader. These leaders always talk so much but n not fulfill what they have talked. It is always important to walk what you have talked. One should not say something and contradict him or herself later.
Ineffective leaders always take credit for everything. When an organization performs well, these leaders tend to take all the credit. A good leader should give credit where it is due. Even if not in monetary form, everyone needs a pat on the back for a well done job. One should recognize a good performance in the team or a member of the team. In conclusion, leaders should be effective since the more effective they are the better the organization.