Public Figures (their expertise and their assigned speech topic:How in one sentence would: (Oprah Winfrey's credibility as Talk Shows: Their Role in Society) be initially affected if she spoke on assigned speech topic of: The Comedy of Politics?�" plus one sentence on how to make her credible on the given speech topic
Oprah Winfrey is a magnificent talk show host yet her grasp of politics is somewhat limited and she would probably stutter and veer off subject if given such a topic to talk about. Her credibility would be affected since she is an avowed Democratic Party supporter so it would be essentially hard to make her credible. She should stick to truthfulness and honesty to retain her credibility.
How in one sentence would: Bill Gates (his credibility as the future of computers) be initially affected if he spoke on speech topic of: Fantasy as Literature?" plus one sentence on how to make him credible on the given speech topic
Bill Gates has not much to do with literature so his reputation as a computer guru and astute businessman and philanthropist would be affected by this subject. He could be more credible by alluding to certain literary idioms and quirks which would increase his literary standing and credibility.
How in one sentence would: Al Gore (his credibility as Environmental Politics) would be initially affected if he spoke on speech topic of: Talk Shows: Their Role in Society? plus one sentence on how to make him credible on the given speech topic?
Al Gore was a politician turned environmentalist so he has some experience on talk shows so one could argue that his credibility would not be singularly affected. He would be more credible if he delved deeper into the subject and came up with some comments on well established talk show hosts such as Oprah.
How in one sentence would: Jon Stewart (his credibility as The Comedy of Politics) would be initially affected if he spoke on speech topic of: The future of computers?" plus one sentence on how to make him credible on the given speech topic
Jon Stewart has been critical of politics for several years and has absolutely nothing to do with computers. This would make it singularly difficult to make him credible on such a topic although with some astute briefing, some sort of credibility would be achieved. .
How in one sentence would: J.K. Rowling (her credibility as Fantasy as Literature) would be initially affected if she spoke on speech topic of: Environmental Politics plus one sentence on how to make her credible on the given speech topic?
JK Rowling has included a number of environmental themes in her essays so she could easily fit the bill as an environmental commentator. With her standing and credibility in the literary scene, she is well poised to talk about the environment since her credibility with the younger audience is second to none.
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