Arguably, education in the world currently is more than a luxury; it is the responsibility of society, government, and education stakeholders to provide it. Education is a vital tool that determines numerous factors in human life. To many, education is one of the human rights, implying that every individual has a right to access it. Declaration of occupy Wall Street in New York expressed solidarity and demanded corporation of the entire human race. Cooperate systems in the world should protect the rights of individuals (Occupy Wall Street). Therefore, current education systems deserve to be fully criticized. The current education system has held many students hostage with millions, yet in real sense it is their human right.
In fact, the governments of most states are run by corporations whose main intention is to make super profits over people, oppression over equality, as well as self interest at the expense of justice. Hence, children are not able to access education and other human rights. Democracy has been engulfed by economic power.
The education systems fail to educate people on their economic, social, and political rights. This impacts the entire life of human beings. Education in most nations is governed by the public sector, which is influenced financially by local bodies, states, and federal. Modern education has faced a lot of challenges on its control, funding, as well as curriculum. In most cases it becomes so problematic when it comes to funding. This is because of the existing laws that clearly state the educational rights in attending colleges for higher degree.
Despite numerous decades of reforms in the education sector in USA, it has received many critics. Many people believe that the current education system do not teach all children effectively. To attest to this are low graduations and poor results. Taxpayers have posed their demands and critics on public schools. In fact the current education system doesn’t provide equal chances to the children.
The current education curriculum does not respect the rights of the student. Students are forced to borrow lots of dollars to pay for their education, yet it is the obligation of the government to provide for the students. Additionally, most students have been derived their right to education by the government. Education in the 21st century is a human right; it includes right to free and compulsory primary education, development of accessible primary education as well as equitable access to higher education (Gerardo & Pabion 70)
In United States, public education has always advocated for equal and quality of education for all kids, regardless of race, income, and ethnicity. However, this has not been the case, most students don’t receive quality education in higher degree and to some extend some don’t have access to education due to fees problems.
Perhaps, to many current educations system perpetuates poverty, providing diverse and contrast facilities in poor and rich schools. The government and other educational stakeholders just watch the impoverished neighborhoods run schools with very little money under poor conditions. On the other hand the affluent societies run schools luxuriously getting support from different institutions hence achieving better results and good learning environment. Additionally, ethnic minority students likely attend low-quality schools. Even with massive allocation of resource in federal programs, inequality of opportunities still persists. Declaration of occupy Wall Street addressed the direct and direct issues that affect the rights of individuals.
Data from NAEP (National assessment of educational progress) asserted that approximately 60% of students in higher degree who perfume poorly are the Native Americans, Hispanic, and African-American. To add on these issues, schools in USA fail to educate on higher degree skills to approximately half of the student population. The percentage carries mostly the ethnic minority and poor students.
Current education system does not provide proper education to children; this is because of existence of high bureaucratic systems of the government structure. The resources allocated to education are not implemented easily due to numerous bureaucratic work and layers of regulations and rules. This problem of government institutions shifts the burden to parents, teachers, and students. Therefore, to many the government has denied or rather oppressed it people by taking away their human rights. Public institutions are tied to different stakeholders including politicians, teachers, voters, school administrators, unions, students, and parents, leaving the public in a state of stalemate on the authority of the entire education system (Gerardo & Pabion 50-2).
In order to decrease the bureaucratic ideologies, education management should be decentralized to the site level. This will give the parents and the taxpayers a chance to control what their children are taught as well as managing the available resources.
The students in the current education systems do not perform well in fields that are expected by the taxpayers, policymakers, and parents. Actually, when students are subjected to same test, there is wide gap on the performance level between poor and rich students. It shows that the current education system fail to educate students equally. More is emphasized in science subjects, while other subjects are not put into much consideration.
The technology in the world has influenced the content in which students are taught. The accessibility to internet and other social sites have damaged the education systems as well as swaying the students away from the intended goal. Students learn how to use guns and other weapons at a very tender age leading to increase of violence in colleges.
The current education curriculums do not address the current issues affecting people. For example the curriculum stakeholders in United States are very critical on the inclusion of religious studies. In fact, political wrangles have made education totally ineffective, and lack of understanding of moral issues. Therefore, the laws have nod standardized on the education curriculum. This affects the behaviors of students, and to some extend increasing the level of school dropout (Gerardo& Pabion 45). I addition the curriculum does not educate children on relevant subjects that will help them develop their career. The current apprenticeship system teaches students obsolescent skills, by using unnecessary materials, and imparting students with superseding apprehension with qualifications rather than performance.
The students in United States have a lot of debt6s that they borrowed for their educat6ional purposes. The government is not in a position to provide jobs to these students. To the New Yorkers the government was depriving people its rights. Unemployment in the near future will be very high. This is because the curriculum does not observe the market principles and needs (Occupy Wall Street).
The right to access education is considered to be one of the human rights. It is assumed by many to mean a universal prerogative to education. Despite the presence of numerous critics on current education system, it still promotes individual empowerment and freedom as well as yielding essential development benefits. Millions are still deprived this right because of poverty, bureacratic rules, and political discrimination. It is the obligation of educational stakeholders to fulfill both political and legal issues that affects current education system. The declaration of occupy of New York documented vital issues concerning deprivation of rights and freedoms.
Work cited
Gerardo,L & Pabion, M. Persistent Inequality: Contemporary Realities in the Education. New
York: Routledge, 2010.
Occupy Wall Street Retrieved on 17/10/2011 from