Data classification generally involves the process of ensuring that data availability, sensitivity, regulation requirements and the business importance of data is taken into consideration. In order to sufficiently and properly classify data, the following best practices need to be taken into consideration. There is need to have accurate data classification methods so as to help an organization ensure the safety of its data and also ensure that its data is always up to date. The process of data classification also needs to be fast and efficient to ensure accuracy and faster data retrieval. There are sophisticated tools that can be used to implement these operations in any organization. The following best practices can be implemented when performing data classification.
i. Identify the sources of data to be use and the data types that need to be used. This will help in the classification process and help in determining which group of data should be maintained.
ii. Establish the categories of data. This should be done before choosing a particular technology to be used. Once the categories of data have been established, it is therefore easier for the establishment of the technology and the procedure to be used to classify the data.
iii. Group the data into small chunks and then start the grouping process. This helps in putting the data into manageable chunks that can be easily classified.
iv. Set the data retention policies. This will help in determining when a given set of data can be deemed useful to the organization and when such a given piece of data can be rendered obsolete.
v. Audit the products. This involves doing periodic monitoring of the data to ensure that the given set of data is always up to date and useful to the organization.
vi. Provide education on data policies. This involves offering training to different employees of the organization on the data policies being implemented in the organization. This helps in educating the employees on what data should be kept where and what data may be deemed useless by the organization.
Data classification should not be viewed as a burden but should be viewed as an opportunity to lower the costs and the complexity of the process as it helps in improving the general operation of any business enterprise. If properly implemented, it will help in ensuring that a company’s data is always kept safe and properly managed.
Work Cited Page
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