Design Report Training: Communication Skills Training
Project Design
Instruction Units
The training will be in the form of seminars, which will have a fixed set of instructions. The study modules will be availed to all persons who enroll to the program from the different lifestyles. I intend to train people in different groups depending on the level of communication they use. The modules will thus have a customized set of instructions that the trainees will follow throughout the training sessions. However, while I will take care of individual needs in the communication skills, I will also be sensitive on the sections that require special attention. The training will be in sections of one hour each and a session of practical speaking and communication. The latter session will run for 30 minutes. In the practical session, participants with have an opportunity of exercising the learnt skills while the educator evaluates whether the instruction approach adopted is effective in developing the learners’ speaking skills. The table below highlights a plan and examples of some of the topics to be covered during the training session.
Note: all the sessions will have an attached practical session that will last for half the time of the session. However, none of the topics will be covered in entirely in one session. The number of sessions per topic will depend on the duration of the topic.
Instructional Strategies
The tasks for the people attending the seminars will be to get the best communication skills in both elementary and advanced situations and be able to cope with different types of audiences. The subtasks that people will undertake include information scaling, word choice lessons, topic development, audience capture and moderation, idea tabulation, signage, and conclusions. Dress code in speech will be a subtask in all the practical sessions. The main purpose I have in carrying out the seminar is to ensure that all the people around me can communicate well with other people and pass information in the most convenient and professional ways depending on the situations. The objectives of the seminars will include:
- Help participants know the elements used in icebreaking.
The seminar will aim at making the people in attendance excellent in communication with their skills well enhanced in all communication scenarios. The goals will not be altered although arising goals during the sessions will be incorporated. The fact that the training seminars will target all people interested in developing their communication skills means that the goals will increase with the level of people accessing the seminars including the corporate and business people. The language of instruction and the practical language to be used will be English with the signage used as demonstrations being restricted to those that do not provoke any person.
In terms of the testing policy, no exams will be issued to the participants in the program. However, the participants will be evaluated from the practical sessions on the rate of acclimatization with the skills. The participants will also be expected to present data in the form of charts and graphs on written communication. An example of a good chart is shown below.
Estimated Budget
User Experience and Delivery
The training program on the communication skills will benefit all people who wish to develop and enhance their public speaking skills. The first stakeholders to benefit from the training are the employers and small medium enterprises. The program will benefit them because they need to present reports and records to the stakeholders and shareholders in the most professional ways. During the training, they will learn the skills that they should apply in presentation of their reports and records so that they do not send the wrong signals to the shareholders and other stakeholders. The training will also benefit the political class and the people in society aspiring to undertake politics. The people need to talk to the public hence they need basic skills on how to capture the attention of the people and to develop their presentations throughout their addresses. The people around me will also benefit from the training. It is imperative that my friends and family speak well and fluently. It is also important that they present ideas logically thus, the society around me will generally benefit from the training.
The user experience at the training is designed to be a unique one in terms of the skills gained and access to the information. The users will develop a new look at training with technology. The trainees will have the chance to record themselves during the practical sessions and post the clips on YouTube thus; they can actually see how people would view them as they speak. The training will also have clip technical customization, as the trainees will get the chance to create customized clips depending on the people they want to reach. The training in terms of monitoring is also designed to give the trainees a new level of experience. For the corporate and employers, for example, they will have a chance to view the data they prepared in more than three online forms, which will provide an idea of the customer diversity they should expect.
The stakeholders will also get a different approach to communication through the delivery of the training content. The facilitators during the event and the practical coordinators have instructions to use the highest level of technology in presenting the information. However, the technology used will ensure that the trainees have a clue of the implications of ample and proper communication. Most of the sessions will be practical hence, the stakeholders are expected to learn many of the taught skills from the way the facilitators will apply them. The whole training involves coverage of all the topics in stages from start to end after which the graduates will be certified. The training will take place in sessions. Each session will take one hour with the practical session taking a half an hour per session. The number of sessions per topic will depend on the total time allocated per topic. The training will take place in different locations depending on the enrollment. Classes will be situated in the entire state with a few classes outside the state.
The design of a training program for people to attain best communication skills will involve collecting all relevant materials for training in the initial stages. This will be followed by identifying and setting the learning units and materials prior to the initiation of the training. The goals of the training program and the training methods mainly targets developing the trainees to adopt the best communication skills. Instructional and evaluation strategies will incorporate charts and non-verbal cues. Furthermore, the learners will practice the learnt skills and be evaluated during practical sessions. The training budget will be about $2651, which will cover all the costs for the training. Overall examinations that highlight improvement in the participants’ communication skills will mark the success of the plan.