Female income gap shrinkage
The income gap existing between men and women is likely to shrink in the event that the low-income families will send the daughters to colleges while men are denied the chance to study. Most of the well-paying jobs will now be infiltrated with women at the expense of men. The continued increase of women in the well-paying jobs will ensure the income gap reduces since the number of women who will be better placed to acquire lucrative positions than men will be high. As explained by economists, the high investment in human capital in favor of the women will make them highly competitive in the labor market. The preference of women by employers will also increase as they will be seen as more qualified by the employers. Also, the employers will have no choice but to include more women in the labor market since the supply of labor composed of women will be higher than the labor supplied by the men.
Economists, on the other hand, also argue that the female wage gap will not entirely be eliminated unless women acquire degrees in scientific fields and business related courses. It is because the highest paying jobs are in these fields that are so unpopular with women. Most of the women obtain degrees in other fields other than sciences, and these still make the gaps in their wages with men wider. Also, in the current and the future world, scientific advancements have been on the rise and more appreciated globally hence favoring most of the men who are specialized in these fields. With more men specializing in these scientific and business fields, their elimination from more top paying jobs is not something that will be easily achieved in the near future.