It is a harsh reality that most in the world today are suffering. The media portrays a world of pleasure and self-fulfillment which, is hardly the situation on the ground. The world was once perfect, at least according to creation stories and other myths. According to these myths, it is man who brought suffering and distress upon himself, with the greatest penalty of all being death. However, with major technological innovations man has been able to greatly uplift his way of living to make it simple, enjoyable and most fulfilling. This has been the case especially in the last two decades with the innovation of mobile phones-phones and other electronic gadgets and gizmos. However, these technological innovations have their downside since they bring forth people’s greed in its strongest form and force. Other than the technologies, the world has become the devil’s workshop due to people adopting abnormal lifestyles and participating in activities which only degrade the mind, body and soul.
In recent times, millions of people have succumbed to the many diseases in the world. Malaria, especially in developing countries, has become a leading source of grief in many families by depriving people of their loved ones at a time too soon. HIV/AIDS has also been a scourge in the world today, especially with the increased emphasis on deriving sexual pleasure from multiple partners. Cancer of various body parts has also increasingly killed many people, with no cure for the deadly ailment. Many accidents have occurred from cars, trains and airplanes due to technical malfunctions or carelessness on the part of the driver or captain. These diseases and accidents have led to a shorter lifespan and a ripple effect of suffering on many families. A perfect world would be one where there is a cure or vaccine to these diseases and there were no accidents. There would be no addictions to alcohol, cocaine and any other form of substance abuse. People would be sober and alert enough to make sound decisions and enjoy life.
Currently, most of the people struggle to study and make it through school. The rewards are less than satisfying as a result of establishment of ineffective education systems which do not concur with the demands of the industry. One would be able to study for a reasonably short time in a perfect world and not to fall victim to unemployment. The system should train one to be self reliant and sufficiently innovative. In a perfect world, cases of corruption in governments would be absent. Leaders would be fair, just and honest. There would be equitable allocation of resources. This would indicate that the inequality between the rich and the poor would be smaller. Incidents of thievery would then seldom.
Relationships in a perfect world would comprise of true friendships, lasting romantic relations and strong family ties. Broken homes, marriages that last for hours, and abnormal relationships such as lesbianism and gays would be not occur. There would no prejudice based on one’s race, political affiliation or even religion. This would mean civil wars, which have killed many a people would be avoided. International wars would also be absent and, therefore, terrorism and living under constant fear of sudden attacks would never happen.
The perfect world would be rid of most, if not all, suffering. There would be peace in the world and to the individual. The perfect world would be one in which people derive joy and happiness with little or no detrimental effects on the well being of others. The end would not determine the means.