The topic on alcohol consumption, its benefits and dangers has remained a controversial issue that has attracted arguments from a diverse perspective. Alcohol, generally, is viewed in different perspectives and its consumers usually have a genuine and probably a practical reason to do it. Therefore, it is important to consider both sides of the argument on alcohol consumption in order to develop a clear insight into the matter. This research paper presents an argumentative essay on an interview conducted to three people in order to seek their opinion and perception on alcohol consumption. Each interview response is introducedby a thesis statement that is validated through the interviewee’s responses.
Alcohol consumption is purposeful due to its medicinal value. This thesis statement is validated and defended by interviewing thirty year old medical personnel, called Brian Adams. Alcohol has been used in the medical field for so many years. He says that moderate consumption of alcohol is important and beneficial in managing heart diseases. The doctor confirms that in some instances, they have recommended controlled consumption of alcohol to help manage some health problems such as hypertension, high blood pressure and heart diseases. He, however, made it clear and reiterated that this is only possible if it is moderate and controlled consumption, otherwise it turns to be hazardous. According to the doctor, alcohol is medically good and its moderate consumption is important.
Moreover, the doctor confirmed that alcohol is a depressant. In light of this fact, the doctor alluded that consumption of little alcohol helps the body to feel relaxed and react slowly. According to the doctor, alcohol helps in keeping the rate of body activity within control and leads to a relaxed feeling and joy. This, according to Doctor Adams is an important fact that cannot be taken for granted about alcohol.
Furthermore, consumption of little alcohol is important in controlling chances of death from stroke. According to Maryanne, a nurse, a little alcohol would help in widening the lumen of arteries supplying blood to the brain and, therefore, reduce chances of stroke. She added that alcohol has been confirmed to work positively in helping to curb deaths that result from strokes especially among the aged persons. Stroke, according to her, comes because of narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the brain leading to pressure build up in the brain. She, therefore, held the view that moderate drinking is necessary in controlling stroke-related deaths. She added that alcohol helps in reducing the chances of contracting type 2 diabetes.
On the dark side of it, alcohol consumption is a health hazard. This thesis statement is supported by interviewing thirty five year old anti-drug activist in the United States of America. Julie Mugan, hint out that alcohol consumption has myriad of health risks. To begin with, excessive consumption of alcohol leads to fatal accidents that claim lives of so many people. She pointed out that those who drive while drank are responsible for so many accidents due to inability to control the brain co-ordination.
Besides, Julie added that alcohol consumption among the women, whether moderate or excess consumption is associated with the risk of developing breast cancer. According to Julie, alcohol deters absorption of Vitamin B, Foliate. Foliate helps in facilitating the development of an embryo’s spinal cord, building of the DNA structure as well as enhancing accurate cell division. Julie confirmed that alcohol in the blood prevents absorption of foliate in the blood system and as a result, there comes manifold risks. Moreover, alcohol makes foliate in the blood to become inactive and becomes a potential factor that leads to breast cancer, colon cancer and other types of cancer.
Additionally, alcohol leads to loss of appetite. As a result, the drinker becomes emaciated and develops poor health quality. The anti-drug activist confirms that a large percentage of alcohol drinkers have poor eating habits that significantly affects the quality of their lives. She remarkably alluded that alcohol is not only a menace to the drinkers themselves but also by extension a real problem to the society and the families of those who drink. She said that families of those who indulge in irresponsible drinking habits are suffering social problems suchas family violence, poverty and fights. In most cases, irresponsible drinkers ignore their family responsibilities and indulge much in alcohol consumption. As a result, the children become victims and are exposed to suffering due to irresponsibility of their drinking parents.
In a nutshell, alcohol has both merits and demerits especially on the basis of health concerns. Both sides of the argument are logically presented and have a bearing in the lives of people. Therefore, moderate and controlled drinking can be considered beneficial to human health. However, one must understand the risks associated with it as well.
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