Gibran’s work “Ambitious Violet” tells a story of a small violet who wanted to turn into a rose to raise its head toward the blue sky and turn face to the sun. Nature fulfilled flower’s desires, but warned it about possible consequences of these changes. The violet was happy with its transformation, but only for several hours. Strong storm broke all tall flowers and new rose died. However, it said it does not have any regrets to former relatives, who criticized its ambitions. The story shows several different patterns of people’s behavior.
The first idea is that people should match their ambitions with their abilities, perceive possible consequences before any serious changes and take a correct view of all advantages and disadvantages of their current position. The violet did not do anything of that. It did not think about anything, but transformation into a rose. The flower also did not listen to direct warnings from its desirable goal. Like the rose said, “you are fortunate, and yet you cannot understand your fortune. Nature has bestowed upon you fragrance and beauty which she did not grant to any other” (Gibran). Violet was focused only on its ambitions and this attitude led to its premature death. The story also can be treated as an illustration to proverb ‘what goes up must come down’, which means ‘the higher person climbed, the harder they fall’. Violets were small flowers that lived close to earth. They can represent social groups without strong influence and with position that will be stable regardless of external factors. Rose is a member of higher class. It has more privileges, but also is more vulnerable to different impacts.
The second thought shows the opposite attitude. It says people should try to embody their ambitions and wishes. “I have lived one hour as a proud rose; I have existed for a time like a queen; Is there any here who can claim such honor?” (Gibran), - said violet. It does not regret about its decision, because it did what it wanted to do. The flower also mentioned it still would die in winter, but now it can pass out with the new experience that it looked for. There is the same situation with people. Sometimes it’s better to try to fulfill the dream and fail or have only a short period of success that will lead to losses, than live a calm life with the feeling of frustration. Transformation into a rose became a main wish for the violet and it was happy to fulfill it, in spite of a fact it led to the flower’s death.
I think both these thoughts can be combined and have a middle ground. In other words, story shows people should embody their wishes, but perceive possible consequences and choose right conditions. In case of the violet, it could ask the Nature to turn it into a rose for one fair-weather day. This adjustment could prevent tempest, so flower would stay alive. Or violet could ask about a transformation to a more weatherproof flower. Species like vines or ivy have wall or other constructions as a support and can grow even higher than roses. It means people should study all possible alternatives rather than choosing the first available. If person feels he or she is able to achieve a higher position on the social ladder, the best decision is to try to get it. However, these changes should be well-thought-out. Even little preparations can affect the future success of such projects.
Works Cited
Gibran, Kahlil. “Ambitious Violet, The”. n. d. 7 Feb. 2016. <>