Comic book Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (1986) written by Frank Miller tells story of 55-year old Bruce Wayne who after tiring inner struggle decides to come back to his alter ego. Wave of crime is about to sink Gotham forever and retirement of Jim Gordon only worsen the state of being. Thus, in this book Batman has to fight villains and criminals again, therefore creating questionable way of actions that illuminates Gotham`s weaknesses in police system. These lines describe the very essence of Batman`s turmoil and motifs “You don't get it, son. This isn't a mudhole It's an operating table. And I'm the surgeon” therefore portraying him as self-made deliver of justice. (Miller, Janson and Varley, 34) Batman is depicted as a vigilante that fights outside the law because system of justice seems to be plagued with corruption and fear to make a move towards punishing criminals. Through vigilantism author illuminates police inability to fulfill their direct duties – to protect and serve. This huge drawback leads to chaos that breeds crimes along with vigilantism. Moreover, Batman`s vigilante behavior is portrayed not as call to apply self-made justice and subjective interpretation of criminal injustice but as critique of “official” law and justice that causes vigilantism. Moreover, Gotham`s disparate situation along with depressed and oppressed mood is reflected in these lines “We live in the shadow of crime with the unspoken understanding that we are victims.. of fear, of violence, of social impotence. A man has risen to show us that the power is, and always has been, in our hands. We are under siege. He's showing us that we can resist.” (Miller, Janson and Varley, 20) These lines indicate rotten and powerless system of justice that is unable to protect and imprison offenders, moreover due to police injustice criminals are free and plain citizens are imprisoned in this city.
All things considered image of Batman does not celebrate vigilantism, on the contrary it illuminate drawbacks in police and justice system.
Miller, Frank, Klaus Janson, and Lynn Varley. The Dark Knight Returns. London: Titan, 1997. Print.