Modern theories of motivation based on the results of psychological research proves that the true motivations of the employee are extremely complex and diverse. According to some scholars, human action is determined by its needs. Another position based on the fact that human behavior is also a function of perceptions and expectations.
Motivation of staff in the absence of NetApp provides daily reports and other stress factors as such, but in the end the employee must demonstrate the most important thing - the result. Staff motivation increases when everything is open (Energy.gov, 2015). NetApp achieves this as follows: the results of work are observes by the bosses and colleagues. At the same time the employee makes heavy use of the self-test, for example personal feedback. It is possible to detect flaws to what is perceived much more easily than if he had someone else pointed out this error.
The SAS Institute is one of the main features of the motivation lies in the fact that the management is trying to take into account all the needs, based on the interests and hobbies of each employee. SAS aims to build on the needs of the individual and they are always ready to revise and update packages available bonuses. Also, the manager must provide clear leadership, clear goals and objectives of the group, the place and role of each member of the group, and other conditions. The manager must ensure that support informal communication, the exchange of information. The manager must emphasize the importance of and approve the status of workers and group values. This approach allows us to give the staff a social responsibility component that, in practice, much more efficacious than the censure "from above". attracted by its employees to participate in the selection of activities or charity. The SAS Institute in 2012 built a solar farm (Evelyn, 2009). Every employee realizes that he is an integral part of the company, and it should serve as the basic motivation for labor activities. In this situation, the special role played image and "popular" reputation of SAS.
Workday encouraging innovation and independence. The company provides features to self-expression in work (Workday.com, 2015). The company gives the employee the opportunity to make the decisions necessary to perform, that is, there should be autonomy (within specified limits). Also, the company has a group autonomy. Designed in accordance with these principles work provides an inner satisfaction. This is a very powerful motivating factor, as it stimulates high quality work performance, as well as the law of increasing requirements, to stimulate the implementation of more complex work. The leaders are trying to find an individual approach to each employee. One way to do this implies the delegation of powers, goals and objectives of each employee in the development of a common plan or project. Another way is to give subordinates an opportunity to develop their own strategic goals and plans.
High salary is the basis on which the motivation of personnel in Google. This is the foundation of the entire system of staff motivation, and it should be really high. It is noteworthy that Google is the leader in the pay of their employees in Silicon Valley, and in fact they compete with Microsoft, Apple and other venerable companies. Another motivation for the staff is the unique comfort in the workplace. Google offices are designed by the best designers of the world, the development of the situation in each unit takes into account not only the general trend, but national preferences (Cbsnews.com, 2015). Inside the company, it is allowed the opportunity to work anywhere, the meeting may be held in the hammocks on the roof, employees can ride around the office on a skateboard. Also, the motivation at the group level distinguishes the impact of internal relations between members of the group on the efficiency of the group. It implies good-natured atmosphere of trust and harmony, then productivity increases significantly.
Cbsnews.com,. (2015). Inside Google workplaces, from perks to nap pods. Retrieved 7 July 2015, from http://www.cbsnews.com/news/inside-google-workplaces-from-perks-to-nap-pods/
Energy.gov. (2015). Workplace Charging Challenge Partner: NetApp | Department of Energy. Retrieved 7 July 2015, from http://energy.gov/eere/vehicles/workplace-charging-challenge-partner-netapp
Evelyn,. (2009). Fun on the SAS Solar Farm - Springleaf Strategies. Springleafstrategies.com. Retrieved 7 July 2015, from http://springleafstrategies.com/2009/05/fun-on-the-sas-solar-farm/
Workday.com,. (2015). Workday Named #1 Top Workplace in the Bay Area for the Fourth Consecutive Year by the Bay Area News Group. Retrieved 7 July 2015, from http://www.workday.com/company/news_events/press_releases/detail.php?id=1851640#.VZxfM7dveuU