[The Course]
We have performed the analysis of the foreign languages usage among international students in the college, which included students’ ability to speak and communicate using foreign languages as well as their skills in reading and writing in foreign languages.
The research was based on the survey questionnaire, which was used to collect source information from sample population of 20 participants. Collected data was analyzed using qualitative methods. The research showed that using foreign language in casual situations was not a problem for all students. From the other side, the most part of the research participants estimated their language level as insufficient for academy level of communication, which is essential for their effective study in the college. We suppose that the main reason of such result is participants’ strong foreign accent while speaking.
This research results can potentially be improved in case of sample population increase as well as testing participants’ capabilities in English speaking, reading and writing. This will allow to get more reliable results comparing to unjustified students’ opinions regarding their language level. As soon as our research represents the actual level of students’ speaking capabilities more precisely, its results may be used by students in order to understand their language weakness areas and the ways of their improvement.
We suggest that the main method of solving language level problems discovered in this paper is encouraging English language native speakers to communicate more with college international students in order to reduce effects of strong foreign accent while speaking. In long-term perspective international students should study the subject of English as a foreign language exclusively by native speakers: the college has all necessary prerequisites for such kind of language study improvement.