The problem of global climate change (sometimes called “the global warming”) is considered today one of the most critical and serious environmental problems of our planet. The fact of global climate change is confirmed by scientific observations and is not disputed by most scholars.
Global warming will greatly affect the lives of some animals. For example, polar bears, seals and penguins will be forced to change their place of residence, as the polar ice cap will disappear (“Effects On People And The Environment | A Student's Guide To Global Climate Change | US EPA”). Many species of animals and plants will also disappear, unable to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. 250 million years ago, global warming killed three-quarters of all life on Earth. Within the following 50 years we will not face such disastrous results of climate change, but some species of animals and plants will definitely become extinct, and I consider this to be the most worrying impact of climate change on plants and animals. The reason why I consider this to be the most worrying impact is that those species will simply vanish and it will be impossible to restore them while the conditions on the planet will not be suitable for their existence. Some of those species of plants and animals might be of particular significance to humans if they are for nutrition, to make clothing or for other important purposes.
Regarding humans, within the following 50 years we may face the following problems: a shortage of drinking water, the growing number of infectious diseases, problems in agriculture because of drought, increase in the number of deaths due to floods, hurricanes, heat and drought (“Climate Change Impacts & Threats | The Nature Conservancy”). I consider all of these problems to be very important, but shortage of drinking water is in my opinion the problem with the most worrying impact. The reason for my opinion is that shortage of drinking water will cause people to use water that is not suitable for this purpose which may cause various dangerous diseases; the shortage of water may become the reason of wars the purpose of which will be to establish control over water resources; shortage of water will reduce crops and thus many people will also starve while there will not be enough food.
Humans could try adapting to the changes that will follow the climate change by creating artificial conditions suitable for survival of animals and plants that are endangered by the climate change impact. Besides, humans could find some ways of producing drinking water artificially (from chemicals or by means of transforming some other substances into drinking water).
Works Cited:
“Climate Change Impacts & Threats | The Nature Conservancy”. N.p., 2016. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.
“Effects On People And The Environment | A Student's Guide To Global Climate Change | US EPA”. N.p., 2016. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.