Abstractions, especially pertaining computer and software engineering, refers to the obscured elements of transcending blocks, which make up a computer, or software systems. Different scholars have different approaches to the definition and application of the term abstraction. Abstraction is meant to shield certain characters, which are deemed irrelevant to a certain process (Davis 131). In this regard, the main essence or processes use the elements which have been deemed relevant, for the accomplishment of a certain task. For instance, for a computer system, different platforms provide programmers with the incentives to develop new software and designs, which are meant to advance for the previous software and hardware predicaments. The Moore’s law is an example of the applicability of computer abstractions, in a bid to develop better and advanced machines. Moreover, the irrelevant attributes of Moore’s principles are ignored, and the relevant styles are embraced, to use transistors in a favorable design to promote higher processing speeds.
Principally, abstractions are meant to reduce the complexity of events that programmers and their computer practitioners undergo to enhance technological developments. For instance, a definition based on complexity provides that abstractions refer to the methods of arranging computer and software systems according to their complexity, either in a descending or ascending order. However, most computer systems prefer the simplicity of the graphic interface, in which developers embrace to design new elements (Salmon 110). The applicability of computer abstractions in design and development is uncanny, as it dictates most of the events in the development process. For instance, the target users of certain software may be well informed, and thus using complex designs with fewer abstractions is appropriate. However, less technically informed individuals require a more abstracted system design, to foster their convenient use of the systems.
According to Moore’s law, the trend of increasing the processing capabilities of circuits integrated into a core unit is imminent. However, Moore’s ideology can be integrated into other fields, other than the hardware elements of the computer systems (Aizcorbe, and Kortum 604). Initially, the interface of using common computer systems had fewer abstractions, and thus their processing speed, as well as their overall designs, was not appealing. Despite these drawbacks, constant and imminent advancements in hardware efficiency, and the ability to abstract more irrelevant elements of computer systems have led to better designs and appeals of both software, and hardware systems. Moreover, open source platforms of developing computer programs make use of abstractions to produce more efficiency in functioning (Aizcorbe, and Kortum 620). For instance, the essence of coding a program is construed with both numeric, as well as alphanumeric elements, which are not guaranteed to the person coding the program. However, abstractions cause the procedures of coding easier, by only providing the relevant requirements that are vital for the design of computer systems. Furthermore, design is dependent on the interactions that exist between the computer elements and the user. Thus abstractions determine the amount of information that must be availed to the functioning of a particular software design.
Abstractions are mainly controlled by the operating system, which dictates the level of abstraction that the user interface ought to display (Davis 92). In this regard, the operating systems differ, according to how much information is abstracted. For instance, the functioning and bits received and produces by the central processing unit are managed by the OS. Moreover, the specificity of the user interface is dictated by the operating system.
Works Cited
Aizcorbe, Ana, and Samuel Kortum. "Moore's Law and the Semiconductor Industry: a Vintage Model*." Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 107.4 (2005): 603-630. Print.
Davis, Martin J. Computer Graphics. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011, Print.
Salmon, W. Structures and Abstractions: An Introduction to Computer Science with Pascal. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1991. Print.