What is a firm’s security architecture? Why is security architecture needed?
This is a method used by firms to safeguard or prevent their information from external access. This is done through either having integrated security set up in firm’s computer system to prevent any damage of data. The main purpose of this architecture is to prevent any unauthorized person either from inside or outside the firm from viewing or accessing the information which is confidential to the firm. To maintain the integrity of the information is also a necessity for a firm.
Why don’t firms simply replace their legacy security technologies?
The process of designing is very costly and complex and some firms feel comfortable with them if they are working well. Other firms feel unsecure by introducing new system which is not understood by all members within the firm. Some firms need constant operating systems so they fear to take it out of service and install a new one.
Why is defense in depth important?
When you keep your data in many layers of securities nobody can be able to access it easily. This is because he/she will go through many processes to get into the system and incase he/she gets into the first layer, it will be difficult to get into other layers if the password is strong. This will ensure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of data is maintained. It provides redundancy in case all the securities fail to operate appropriately. It also defends the computer system against any external attack by use of different methods.
Why are central security management consoles dangerous?
It is very dangerous because if someone enters in the system which is in one common manager, he/she will be able to get all the information which is not supposed to be exposed to other people. He/she can change the data stored. In case of any failure of security, data confined in that system is at high risk of fraud.
Why is having a diversity of vendors good?
In case of failure of one vendor, others will be operating. Because of different types of software, you can only be able to get little information if you evade one of them. This make sure that nobody will be able to access every data at once because each vendor has different security setup and it is not possible to miss information from both vendors if authorized person wants to get it.
Why is it important to minimize the burdens that security places on functional units in the firm?
Security has turned to be cost center for a firm because firms are now spending a lot of money in managing risks which might occur to their systems. Therefore, firms have started insuring themselves against risks that might happen to their systems the way they insure their firms against risks such as fire, stealing and any other type of risk. This is because data fraud is causing a lot of losses even greater than other insured risks.
Why do you think it is important to have realistic goals for reducing vulnerabilities?
Reducing vulnerabilities is an important thing to a firm because it will increase the security of its data from any foreign attacks. The firm will also be able to keep confidential details secure and available all the time because of absent of interferences. Firms will be able to access the correct figures of data in case of future evidence.
Why is border management important?
It ensures that data is not affected by the surrounding environment and secure it from any intruders from getting into the system without their notice. This is achieved by use of internet alternatives like SET and encryption securities and firewalls.
Why are remote connections from home especially dangerous?
If you access database from a remote point, the database security is highly compromised. Therefore, hackers can easily access the database and affect the data integrity or change the security settings.
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