Throughout the inception of human history human behavior has varied greatly from one person to the next. Some people tend to be versatile and more prone to change while others tend to be static and conform to the sane environment they are used to. People of a kinetic nature argue that the old is big and life is too short. There is a lot out here to see and experience and only limited time to do so conforming to change is the only true way to enjoy life in its fullness. These people tend to change their habits and lifestyle and try a lot of different things thus versatility. As much as this can be strenuous and tedious it breaks the monotony of conformity to the same routine over and over again and adds a spice of excitement and adventure to life.
Some propel prefer to conform to a constant system of routines that they go through over and over again with each passing day. These people display extremely high levels of commitment as it can prove quite challenging to conform to the same activities over and over again. These people may have reached point where they enjoy the fullness of life through their repeated day to day activities. They may also display some tendencies of skepticism as they rarely venture into the new, unknown or uncertain. These people however display exquisite organizational skills as they carry out all their activities in a systematic and well thought out manner. An example is a formal worker who everyday relives the same routine.
Personally I think change is always a good thing but I find greater solace in certainty of the future. I feel more comfortable conforming to my own system of life as I have thought it through and I have also thought through all possible scenarios of future outcome.